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Argotec is an aerospace engineering company founded in 2008 in which research,
innovation, and development involve various fields: engineering, information technology,
systems integration, "Human Space Flight and Operation”, implementation of solutions
in the field of renewable energy, as well as design and production of satellite platforms.

All these activities have the same objective: realization of systems for space with
potential Earth applications. In fact, according to the company’s vision, everything that
is useful for space activities can have an Earth application, bringing benefits in daily life
and responding to needs not yet met.
All Argotec’s activities are focused in two main directions. The first one regards the
development of microsatellites able to work in deep space; in this area, intense research
and development activities are oriented to design compact and reliable technological
solutions including using Artificial Intelligence for autonomous operations. The second
direction includes the development of technological solutions in order to improve and
to support the life and the comfort of future space explorers.
Argotec is a UNI EN 9100:2018 and UNI ISO EN 9001:2015 certified company, and
compliant with the ECSS and NASA standards framework. Moreover, the company has
the experience, the tools and the laboratories needed to perform all of the activities
required for design, integration and testing of space systems in house (e.g. a Clean Room
that guarantees cleanliness standard at an ISO 5 level, a Thermal Vacuum chamber, etc).
Since the beginning, the company has always collaborated with the main international
space agencies such as the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the European Space Agency
(ESA) and NASA. It had promoted the development of innovative technologies which
involved universities, research centres and other companies with skills and different
backgrounds. This has been substantially translated into partnerships with companies
coming from fields other than aerospace. It allowed the realization of innovative systems
in order to obtain several patents and international awards.
In recent years Argotec has demonstrated its excellence at a national and international
level thanks to its dynamic and flexible working methods supported by a young
team of professionals with an average age of 29 years. These aspects have allowed a
reduction in the time for the development of company activities and the opportunity to
find alternative solutions as compared to current standard processes. This has helped
to increase competitiveness and to facilitate achieving the objectives in advance of
projected timetable due dates.


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