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The company was founded in 1998 and boasts several years experience in athe design
and development of electronic boards, equipment and sub-system for its Customers.
The principal activities are within the space & avionics arena’s. The company maintains
established collaborations with European Universities for research projects and
technological innovation. Blu Electronic is an UNI EN9100 certified company.

The Headquarters are located in Desio Italy (Polo Tecnologico Brianza - PTB).
Company Facilities:
ISO8 (Class 100,000) Clean Room
ESA qualified assembly and inspection process line, according to the ESA ECSS-Q-ST38C standard for space electronics
Electronic Design Automation Tools
Thermal chambers.
Test equipment and facilities for the evaluation, debug, functional test
EMC/EMI laboratory
Mechanical test
Temperature/Altitude test
Temperature/Humidity test

Do you work for this company or organization? Send us an updated description of your products and services!