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Due2lab s.r.l. is a small Italian enterprise specialized in the realization of fully integrated
spectroscopic radiation detectors based on Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) technology
for research projects and industrial applications.

Due2lab was founded in January 2014 by a research group with years of experience
in the field of ionizing radiation detection working at the Institute of Materials for
Electronics and Magnetism (IMEM-CNR) in Parma. In 2015 the company changed its
shareholder structure turning to only two majority ownership associates and moved
the headquarter in Scandiano (Reggio Emilia). Since then, Due2lab has become one of
the few European companies providing state-of-the-art CZT radiation detectors on the
national and international market.
CZT technology is based on a direct conversion semiconductor material whose use has
incredibly spread in the last 10 years thanks to a great improvement in the growth yield
and quality of CZT raw crystals, and its associated cost reduction. Due2lab team masters
the whole value chain of CZT technology, from sensor processing of CZT raw crystals to
assembly of the electronic chain for precise signal read-out and final digitalized signal
Nowadays Due2lab portfolio includes products and services for manifold applications.
Due2lab is involved as technology supplier of radiation detection solutions for pioneering
research projects in the field of Astrophysics (observation of X- and gamma-rays coming
from universe and their polarization) and Medical Imaging and Therapy (prototype
for prompt gammas real-time dosimetry during cancer neutron-capture treatment).
Besides the participation to these projects at the forefront of innovation, Due2lab is
key technology provider for several industrial partners interested in innovative solutions
for in-line smart production control and zero-defect manufacturing: Due2lab mission is
to drive non-destructive inspection system into the hyperspectral X-ray world. Indeed
in the years prior to Due2lab creation, several demands for radiation sensors from the
industrial sector came to IMEM institute: this kind of demands were better suited for a
company than a for a research institution, and this was one of the main driving forces
that led to Due2lab foundation.
Thanks to the synergy with IMEM-CNR Institute (Parma) and the know-how of its
highly skilled team, Due2lab aims to become, in the coming years, one of the global
reference points for the creation of highly innovative detectors and systems based on
CZT technology.


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