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Companies: 0# A B C D E  F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

It is the commercial vehicle through which the scientific know-how developed by the
University’s Earth Observation Laboratory is made available to public and private
initiatives in the form of user-oriented applications.
Immediately after its foundation GEO-K was incubated within ESA-ESRIN where new
technology, based on artificial neural networks for the processing of satellite data, was
further developed.

In 2007, GEO-K was awarded the ISO 9001:2008 certification for "Design and
development of satellite data processing components for GeoInformation production.
Over the last few years
GEO-K has been involved in contracts with national (ISPRA, ASI) and international (ESA)
institutions for the exploitation of EO data. Furthermore, in the ESA Fuegosat Synthesis
study, GEO-K has contributed, together with the University of Valencia, to defining a new
TIR space-mission. The company has also acquired experience in providing educational
sessions in EO, mainly addressing companies or technical groups.
Often GEO-K exports its technology and know -how to other fields of engineering not
strictly related to EO. In the past, consultancy has been provided for Automatic Incident
Detection problems, Solar Energy Devices and Electromagnetic Pollution analysis.


Do you work for this company or organization? Send us an updated description of your products and services!