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ITS was established on 1st September 1999 and is formed by managers and entrepreneurs
deriving their complementary experiences from a prolonged activity in the main
aerospace Italian industries and from the mastery of the financial instruments necessary
for the "start-up” of firms focusing in the high technological sectors.

Mission of ITS is to operate in the High Band of the Information Technology field and
relevant Electronic Technologies.
The development of ITS, in terms of manpower and turn over, will be based through a
mix of internal and external strategic path, in this latter case making use of capabilities
already present in Italy and Europe in the SME, through a policy of stable partnership.
In this sense a particular attention will be devoted to the relationship between Research
and Final Users, carrying out the industrial link which changes technologies into hi-tech
products really usable.
ITS main fields of action
In terms of Vertical sectors the action of ITS is addressed mainly to:
Commerce, deriving competences and technologies from the first two fields
In terms of Horizontal capabilities, ITS will develop the following main ones:
Data processing of digital images coming from several typologies of sensor (multispectral
and hyperspectral electro-optics, radar, etc.) also implementing techniques of data fusion
System Integration extending the concept of distributed information architectures (LAN
and Web) also to Complex and Robust systems (C4I2) using wireless links (Link 16,
Satcom UHF, GBS)
Simulation and Modeling also of Complex Scenarios (Digital Battlefield)
Technologies and Systems based on satellite navigation (GPS and Galileo)
High End Computing also for on-board and distributed systems.
RFID Application for the Italian Air Force
TLC Satellite Space architectures
TLC Satellite Ground Architecture
Strategic and Sectorial Consultancy both to SME and to the Research and Acquisition
Government Bodies


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