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Intelligentia was born as the result of the collaboration between Balance Systems Srl,
a company operating in the manufacturing sector since 1975 (production of balancing
machines and auxiliary systems for process control), and University of Sannio, an
important research center in the heart of Campania region in Southern Italy.

Intelligentia has been listed as an Innovative START-UP according to the Italian Law
(art. 25, comma II, D.L. 18 October 2012, n.179) up to December 2015, and currently is
officially listed as Innovative SME according to the Italian Law (D.L. 3/2015) in the Italian
Business Registry.
In December 2018 Intelligentia acquired the control of Emmedidue S.r.l., now Intelligentia
Electronics S.r.l., an engineering company highly specialized in electronic design.
Intelligentia Electronics offers advanced consulting in engineering and innovation to
meet the needs of customers with turnkey systems. Intelligentia Electronics can boast
of many years of experience in design of both analog and digital electronics using the
most innovative technologies such as latest DSP, FPGA and A/D conversion processors
generation. The field of application of Intelligentia Electronics µproducts and expertise
vary from Aerospace to Automotive to Industrial to Green Energy.
The persistent research for innovative technologies & methodologies and the subsequent
utilization in industrial and aerospace markets are our leitmotif. All mixed with the
enthusiasm of a competent, motivated, and highly specialized group of professionals.
For instance, we examine the technological solutions provided by the research
community for the management, processing, and storage of huge quantity of data.
The latter, when properly elaborated, can be used by our customers for improving their
products and increasing their business opportunities.
Intelligentia invests a significant budget in internal R&D with the aim at identifying new
needs, and in developing prototype solutions. Once converted into industrial products,
our customers can take advantage of them, for instance, to reduce their time-to-delivery
and increase the quality parameters of their services.


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