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Kell srl is an innovative Italian ICT SME located in Rome, Arezzo and in Gualdo Tadino,
near Perugia (operative sites), Italy. It is fully owned by private shareholders.

Kell has over 20 years of experience in space sector developing SW and HW integrated
platforms in the field of e-health, telemedicine, e-government, Earth Observation, GIS
and navigation systems.
Kell constantly invests in R&D to pursue its vision: "facilitate the day-by-day life through
ICT, make it easy, usable”. This is pursued by means a continuous innovation process, a
strong investment in human resources and collaborations with Scientific organisations
as Universities, public and private Research centres.
The team is formed by young researchers and technicians, with strong and focused
skills on ICT solutions, informatics, software engineers, electronic engineers,
physicists, engineers, electronic, oceanographers, economist who form dynamic
and multidisciplinary group engaged in R&D and services activities performed for
international and national Public Bodies and private organizations. The team is formed
by a fixed group of managers, researchers and technicians and a broader network of
professionals with multidisciplinary skills.
Kell has been involved in EU / national funded trans-national programs as prime
contractor, lead partner and partner. Kell has also been prime contractor of the European
Space Agency (ARTES Programme) and Italian Space Agency projects to develop new
SatCom services for e-Health (KosmoMed, TeleSal, NESA, etc.).
Kell internal organization aims to satisfy its customers in respect of its quality system
and certified procedure (ACCREDIA and KIWA).
• UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for the sector EA 33: "Design, development, implementation,
technical installation of SW platforms and systems for tele-medicine, Earth
Observation and navigation for telecommunications”;
• UNI EN ISO 13485:2016 for the "design and development, implementation, technical
installation and assistance of SW medical platforms and systems for the telemedicine”.
Main technologies and skills are:
• Information Technology: web platform and mobile solutions for e-Health applications;
• Earth Observation: Kell designs and develops software systems for telemetry
processing and production and processing of remote sensing images, optical and
SAR, archiving and distribution of data and quality control fusion and geo-location
for smart agriculture, water and land management;
• Navigation


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