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Leonardo is a global high-tech Aerospace, Defence and Security company. Our
consolidated industrial capabilities, together with our outstanding human capital and
constant attention to innovation, have led us to become one of the top ten players in the
world in Aerospace, Defence and Security, with revenues of € 12.2 billion, 85% of which
deriving from international markets.

Leonardo - headquartered in Italy - has a strong
industrial presence in four domestic markets: Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States
and Poland.
We are a partner of choice for governments, institutions and Armed Forces, as well as
for private customers and entities. We deliver products and integrated solutions based
on cutting-edge technologies with dual-use applications, to strengthen global security;
protect people, the territories, infrastructures and information networks; contribute to the
sustainable management of the environment, urban spaces and climate.
Air, land, sea, space and cyberspace: wherever defence and security are needed, our
customers find in Leonardo effective solutions for their requirements in each of these
areas through a complete and integrated offer in strategic sectors such as helicopters,
aeronautics, unmanned systems, defence and security electronics, defence systems, and
satellite systems and services.
Leonardo’s activities in Space date back to the mid-60s when Officine Galileo and FIAR
participated to the first European programs promoted by the European Agencies ELDO
(European Launcher Development Organisation) and ESRO (European Space Research
Organisation). Since then, Leonardo has designed and produced qualified instrumentation
for space activities implementing optical systems, star trackers, radio frequency devices,
photovoltaic assembly, distribution and power control systems and robotic devices. At
present, the products are used on-board the most important European space missions
such as Rosetta, Exomars, Galileo, Copernicus, Cosmo-Skymed, METOP, MeteoSat Third
Generation, Earth Explorer, within other ESA and NASA missions as well as for other
international customers.


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