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Founded in 1998, Sigma is a System Integration Company experienced in the Design of
Electronic and ICT Systems (HW and SW) for satellite, avionics, naval and ground platforms
and all related services such as: Logistic Support, Training and Customer service.

The main fields of application are:
DEFENCE & AEROSPACE: Flight & Radar Simulators, On-Board Simulators, Avionic
Defense Systems; Operation Support Centers, Ground Station Control for UAV and
Aircraft Missions, Automation Test Bench.
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING: Radio Emissions Monitoring System (HW and SW).
HOMELAND SECURITY: ELINT Satellite, COMINT, RADAR, Intelligence Command &
CIVIL APPLICATIONS: Inertial Location / GPS, Telemedicine, Precision Farming, Smart
City, Cybersecurity.
Over its twenty years of activity, Sigma has signed agreements and partnerships with
leading institutions and companies in the field of Aerospace and Defense such as
the Italian Air Force, Italian Navy, Finmeccanica and Selex ES and Selex Galileo (now
Leonardo), MBDA, ELT Elettronica, MES, Vitrociset, Alenia Aeronautica, Galileo Avionica,
Aermacchi, Agusta Westland, Sirti, Alitalia, EADS, Northrop Grumman Italy.
Sigma steadily collaborates in R&D projects with the Universities of Rome Sapienza, Tor Vergata
and Roma Tre, the University of L’Aquila and the CNR-IAC (National Research Institute).
Sigma Consulting processes are managed according to UNI EN ISO ISO 9001:2015
quality standards.
Sigma Consulting is located in Tecnopolo Tiburtino - the main technological district in
Rome, which hosts 130 companies mainly in Aerospace sector.
Sigma is the formal representative of ATEN IS Group, an Advanced Technology Network
established in 2013 with the aim of developing products and services in the Aerospace
and ICT sector. ATEN IS currently consists of more than 30 companies and has
established international partnerships with several countries to-date including Brazil,
Peru, Ecuador, Bulgaria, China.


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