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SpacEarth Technology is a spin-off of the the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e
Vulcanologia. We have a team of engineers, physicists and geologist with a long
involvement in research and business management.

We design and develop applications, tools, software, hardware components and
products for Aerospace, Maritime and Environment sectors in cooperation with major
European and Italian industries, organizations, universities and research centres.
It has long standing experience in the use of GNSS receivers and algorithms development
for the monitoring, forecasting, mitigation and analysis of ionospheric disturbances and
their effect on high-accuracy positioning. SpacEarth Technology is the owner of the
international patent "Method for forecasting ionosphere total electron content and/or
scintillation parameters” (2015) able to feed mitigation algorithms aiming at improving
the accuracy on real-time GNSS precise positioning techniques (RTK, NRTK, and PPP)
under harsh ionospheric conditions. This can contribute to improve the scenario for the
use of GNSS and SBAS (EGNOS) in several field of applications.
We also have remarkable experience in the use of optical and radar remote sensing and
geodetic methods for the monitoring and analysis of geological and geophysical hazards.
We provide advanced scientific products, as well as consultancy services, in these
subjects. We provide tailored services and information products for geomorphological,
structural and lithologic investigations, using optical and radar remote sensing data,
from satellite and airborne (manned and unmanned) platforms.
Spacearth Technology has recently completed a feasibility study funded by the European
Space Agency for an innovative service offering a very accurate positioning service for
the maritime market in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.
We are also involved in the BELS+ project, funded by the European GNSS Agency under
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, which aims to develop GNSS markets for
EU companies and helps EU GNSS applications gain a foothold in Southeast Asia.
The company is involved in the mine seismology sector by performing the integration
of tomographic (Local Earthquake Tomography) and geodetic (GNSS and SAR) data
to obtain an all-embracing picture of the alteration of the state of the rock mass during
mining operations, useful to safety planning of mining activities. Here we received
funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – Raw Materials
and have active contracts with major mining companies.


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