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SpaceDyS s.r.l. is a company founded in 2011 as a spin-off of the Celestial Mechanics
Group of the University of Pisa, located near Pisa (Italy) at "Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico
di Navacchio”.

The SpaceDyS’s founder are eleven, the senior ones having a strong experience in the
space business and Celestial Mechanics, with many years of work on programmes with
space agencies such as ESA and NASA.
Starting from the experience gained by its associates, SpaceDyS is able to offer services
and develop software for many Space Applications :
Orbit Determination of Asteroids from optical observations, with impact monitoring
functions for NEO
Orbit Determination of Satellites and Space Debris (LEO, MEO, GEO, GTO, HEO) from
optical and radar observations
Highly accurate Orbit Determination for interplanetary missions
Radio Science experiments
Planning of satellite de-orbiting


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