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Stam is a private engineering SME, based in Genoa, Italy, whose main mission is to
provide engineering services to industries. The company was founded in 1997, thanks to
the seed funding provided by the Technology Transfer Programme of ESA, to develop
an innovative gearbox system.

Today Stam successfully operates also in the following
fields: space and defence, industry and robotics, security and transport, energy and
The staff of Stam is composed of high-level professionals: 90% owns at list a M.Sc and
over 70% a M.Sc. in Engineering. Mr Franco Malerba, first Italian astronaut, has been the
Business Coach of Stam.
Stam has collaborated with ESA since 1999, through the Innovation Triangle Initiative
and the Technology Transfer Programmes. In the recent years, Stam has been involved in
the ESA Clean Space Programme and in a YGT feasibility study within TEC-MSM.
In particular, Stam was main subcontractor in the project ADRiNET "Net parametric
characterisation and parabolic test”, aimed at the development of a parametric simulator
for active debris removal with nets, and the validation of the Active Debris Removal
(ADR) concept through a parabolic flight campaign performed at the NRC-CNRC in
Ottawa, Canada. The ADR technology has been further developed within the H2020
ADR1EN Project "First European System for Active Debris Removal with Nets”, through
upscaling activities, thermal-vacuum cycling tests at Thales Alenia Space Italy facilities,
and full-scale free fall ground experiments, till the development of an ADR business plan.
Stam was also prime contractor in the ESA project "Hermetic Sealing for Rotating
Shaft”, focused on studying the feasibility of the mechanical sealing concept, through
breadboard design, prototype and tests.
Thanks to its number of R&D projects, Stam could establish strong collaborations and
partnerships with several hundreds of international companies and research institutions.
In particular Stam has collaborated with key players in the space field (ESA, Thales
Alenia Space Italia, DLR, GMV, OHB, Azimut Space, Arescosmo, Leonardo, QinetiQ) and
a number of research bodies (e.g. ASI, CNR, ENEA, CIRA, IIT, Polytechnic University of
Milan, Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Tecnalia, CEA,
Fraunhofer, Sintef).


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