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Survey Lab, established in 2008 as a spin-off of Sapienza University of Rome. Survey
Lab is currently focused on the development of geomatic monitoring systems by means
of advanced surveying and mapping technologies, including remote sensing technology.

It develops applications in many fields of civil and environmental engineering, with a
focus on methods for monitoring natural hazards effects on the land and on the built-up environment. The expertise of the Company in the techniques for monitoring land,
structure and infrastructure derives from the strict connection with researchers of the Area
of Geomatics in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering.
Its mission is to develop and distribute innovative monitoring systems based on
advanced surveying and mapping technologies with a specific focus on remote sensing
data. Survey Lab aims to stimulate and spread the use of satellite technology within the
community of civil and environmental engineering as means for improving structural
investigations and fostering best-practice for prevention. It also promotes training
courses, seminars and workshops, tailored to target audience and stakeholder’s specific


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