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STMicroelectronics is a world leader in providing the semiconductor solutions that make
a positive contribution to people’s lives, today and into the future.

• Among the world’s largest semiconductor companies
• A leading Integrated Device Manufacturer delivering solutions that are key to Smart
Driving and the Internet of Things
• A leading technology innovator: ~7,800 people working in R&D, ~18,500 patents,
~9,600 patent families and ~ 590 new patent filings in 2019
• An unwavering commitment to sustainability
• Corporate Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland
• President and CEO: Jean-Marc Chery
• 2019 revenue: $9.56 billion
• ~46,000 employees worldwide
• 80 sales & marketing offices in 35 countries
• More than 100,000 customers worldwide
• 11 main manufacturing sites
• Public since 1994: shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: STM),
Euronext Paris, and Borsa Italiana
• Created as SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics in June 1987, from merger of SGS
Microelettronica (Italy) and Thomson Semiconducteurs (France). Renamed
STMicroelectronics in May 1998


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