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Tiberlab Srl is a spin-off of University of Rome "Tor Vergata”. Our mission is to develop
innovative software solutions aimed to the design and simulation of electronic and
optoelectronic devices, focusing in particular on nanostructured devices.

nanostructure devices pose new challenges due to the wide range of length and time
scale involved. We provide tools for multiscale simulation able to perform analysis and
optimization at all the relevant length scales, through state of the art physical models
ranging from continuous to atomistic level. Tiberlab offers consulting services and end-user software. Our core product is TiberCAD, a software for modeling and design of
innovative nanostructured devices. tiberCAD software has been and is presently used
as a main simulation tool in several FP7 EU projects, for the design and the study of
optoelectronic properties of quantum well and nanowire based LEDs and of advanced
solar cells. Tiberlab is presently a partner in FP7 Project Deepen, aimed to the design of
an open source multiscale simulation environment for electronics and optoelectronics


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