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Deutsch: Zitat / Español: Citación / Português: Citação / Français: Citation / Italiano: Citazione

Citation in the space industry context often refers to the acknowledgment or reference to the source of information, data, or ideas that are used within the framework of space research, development, and documentation. This can include citing previous research, scientific papers, data from space missions, or any other authoritative source that contributes to new findings, designs, proposals, or discussions.


In the space industry, as in all scientific and engineering disciplines, citations are critical for the integrity and advancement of knowledge. They provide the means to trace the origin of specific concepts or data, evaluate the reliability of information, and understand the context of current research or development. Citations are used in academic papers, technical reports, conference presentations, and many other documents produced by researchers, engineers, and scholars in the field.

Application Areas

Citations are crucial in numerous aspects of the space industry:

  • Academic Research: Scholarly articles about space exploration, planetary science, or satellite technology cite previous works to build upon existing knowledge.
  • Technical Documentation: Engineering documents, including specifications and testing reports, often reference standards, previous projects, or foundational research to justify design choices and methodologies.
  • Grant Proposals: When applying for funding, researchers include citations to relevant prior work to substantiate the need and potential impact of their proposed research.
  • Regulatory Compliance: In discussions of space policy or regulatory submissions, citations may be used to refer to legal precedents, international agreements, or previous cases.

Well-Known Examples

  • NASA Technical Reports: These often include extensive citations to earlier work, demonstrating the research's place within ongoing scientific inquiry and justifying project approaches based on established science.
  • Journal Articles on Mars Exploration: Publications in scientific journals about findings from Mars rover missions include citations to data from the rovers and previous Mars studies.
  • Conference Papers and Presentations: Presenters at aerospace conferences cite recent research and data from satellite missions to support their analyses and conclusions.

Treatment and Risks

Proper use of citations in the space industry involves several considerations:

  • Accuracy and Verification: Citations must be accurately presented and checked to ensure they correctly reference the intended sources. Mis-citations can lead to misinformation and undermine the credibility of a document.
  • Up-to-Date References: Especially in a fast-evolving field like space exploration, it is crucial to use the most current and relevant references to inform and support any new work.
  • Plagiarism Avoidance: Proper citation is essential to avoid plagiarism, a serious ethical breach that can have legal implications and damage an individual’s or organization’s reputation.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Adhering to citation standards respects intellectual property rights and acknowledges the contributions of other researchers.

Similar Terms

  • Bibliography: A list of the sources cited in a work and possibly other relevant readings.
  • References: Often used interchangeably with citations, though "references" generally appear as a list at the end of academic papers and reports.


In the space industry, a citation is a reference to a source of information that supports a piece of academic or technical work. Citations are essential for maintaining scientific integrity, building upon previous research, and ensuring the credibility of new developments in space exploration. They help to create a documented lineage of knowledge and innovation that is critical for the ongoing advancement of the field.

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