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Deutsch: Umgebung / Español: Entorno / Português: Ambiente / Français: Environnement / Italiano: Ambiente /

An environment is a context or surrounding in which something exists or occurs. It can refer to a physical space, such as a natural habitat or built environment, or it can refer to a social or cultural setting.

In the natural sciences, the environment refers to all the external conditions and influences that affect an organism or system. This includes physical factors such as temperature, humidity, and the availability of resources, as well as biological factors such as the presence of other species and their interactions.

In the social and behavioral sciences, the environment can include the social and cultural norms, values, and expectations that shape an individual's behavior and decision-making. It can also refer to the social and physical conditions that shape a community or society, such as economic and political systems, infrastructure, and access to resources.

The term "environment" is often used in discussions about the natural world and human impacts on it, such as environmental conservation and sustainability. It is also used in discussions about the social and cultural contexts in which individuals and communities live and interact.

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