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In the aerospace context, Flyer refers to a machine or vehicle that is capable of flying or being flown, such as an aircraft, a spacecraft, or a drone.

Flyers can be broadly classified into two categories: those that are powered by an internal combustion engine, like jet engine or a rocket engine, and those that are unpowered, like gliders or balloons.

Examples of Flyers in the aerospace context include:

  • Aircraft: These are machines that are designed to fly through the Earth's atmosphere. Examples include commercial airliners, military fighter jets, and general aviation aircraft.

  • Spacecraft: These are machines that are designed to fly in outer space. Examples include the International Space Station, NASA's Space Shuttle, and SpaceX's Crew Dragon.

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Drones: These are aircraft that are operated without a human pilot on board, they can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously. Examples include military drones, civilian drones and flying cars.

  • Balloons: These are unpowered Flyers that are filled with a gas that is lighter than air and float in the atmosphere. Balloons are used for scientific research, meteorology, and adventure tourism.

  • Gliders: These are unpowered Flyers that are designed to fly by using the lift generated by the air currents. Gliders are used for recreation and scientific research.

In summary, Flyers in the aerospace context refers to any machine or vehicle that is capable of flying or being flown, it can be powered or unpowered, and examples include aircraft, spacecraft, drones, balloons and gliders.

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