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In the aerospace context, gravitation refers to the force of attraction between two objects in space.

It is the force that causes objects to fall towards the center of the Earth, and it also keeps planets and other celestial bodies in orbit around stars and other celestial objects.

Examples of the effects of gravitation in the aerospace industry include:

  • The force that keeps satellites in orbit around the Earth.
  • The force that causes spacecraft to fall towards a planet or moon when they enter its gravitational field.
  • The force that affects the trajectory of a rocket as it leaves the Earth's atmosphere.
  • The force that causes the tides on Earth due to the gravitational pull of the Moon.
  • The force that causes the precession of the orbit of a satellite around a planet.
  • The force that affects the motion of celestial bodies such as stars, galaxies and black holes.

It also affects the design and performance of aircraft and spacecraft, as they must be able to withstand the forces of gravity during launch, flight, and landing.

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