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"Interstellar" refers to anything related to travel or exploration beyond our own solar system. The term is often used to describe missions or technologies that are designed to explore or study other star systems or the space between them.

Interstellar travel is a challenging and complex endeavor, as it requires overcoming a number of technical and logistical challenges, such as developing propulsion systems that can achieve the high speeds needed to reach other star systems, developing methods to sustain human life during long journeys, and finding ways to navigate and communicate over vast distances.

To date, no human-made spacecraft has made an interstellar journey. However, several unmanned spacecraft, such as the Voyager 1 and 2 probes, have traveled beyond our solar system and are currently exploring the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy.

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential for interstellar travel, and there have been numerous proposals and concepts for how it might be achieved. While much research and development is still needed to make interstellar travel a reality, many scientists and engineers believe that it is possible and that it could be a major step forward for humanity's exploration and understanding of the universe.

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