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Deutsch: Nanosatellit / Español: Nanosatélite / Português: Nanossatélite / Français: Nanosatellite / Italiano: Nanosatellite /

A nanosatellite (nano satellite, nanosat) is a small satellite with a weight between 1 and 10 kg.

Over 3,400 nanosatellites have been launched as of August 2022 according to

A CubeSat is a common type of nanosatellite, built in cube form based on multiples of 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm, with a mass of no more than 1.33 kilograms per unit.

Example nanosatellites:

  • ExoCube (CP-10),
  • ArduSat,

Nanosatellite developers and manufacturers include

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