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Deutsch: OpenVSP / Español: OpenVSP / Português: OpenVSP / Français: OpenVSP / Italiano: OpenVSP

OpenVSP (Vehicle Sketch PAD) is an open-source software tool that enables users to create three-dimensional models of Aircraft and space vehicles. Developed by NASA, it is primarily used for the conceptual design and analysis of aerospace vehicles, allowing engineers and designers to rapidly model the geometry of aircraft and assess their aerodynamic properties.


OpenVSP allows users to visualize, manipulate, and analyze vehicle designs, facilitating the exploration of different configurations and their potential performance. The software integrates a variety of modeling tools that support the generation of complex vehicle geometries with detailed control over shapes and dimensions. This enables the effective simulation of aerodynamic performance, including drag calculations and lift characteristics, which are crucial in the early stages of aircraft and spacecraft design.

One of the distinctive features of OpenVSP is its ability to export models to other engineering tools, which can then perform more detailed simulations, such as structural analysis and fluid dynamics studies. This interoperability makes OpenVSP a valuable part of the broader aerospace engineering toolchain, bridging the gap between conceptual design and detailed engineering analysis.

Application Areas

OpenVSP is used in various sectors within the aerospace industry. Aerospace companies utilize it in the preliminary design phase to sketch out new concepts for aircraft and spacecraft. It is also extensively used in academia, where students and researchers employ it to learn about and experiment with aerospace vehicle design. Furthermore, OpenVSP supports government and private aerospace projects by providing a platform for rapid prototyping and problem-solving in vehicle development.

Well-Known Examples

OpenVSP has been instrumental in numerous aerospace projects and educational programs. For instance, it has been used in university courses related to aerospace engineering to teach students about the fundamentals of vehicle design and aerodynamics. Additionally, it has been utilized in the design process of experimental aircraft, providing a quick and efficient means to evaluate new and innovative aerospace concepts.

Treatment and Risks

While OpenVSP is a powerful tool for vehicle design, it is important to recognize that it primarily focuses on geometric modeling and basic aerodynamic evaluations. For comprehensive design validation, results from OpenVSP should be further analyzed using advanced simulation tools that can provide more detailed insights into performance, safety, and feasibility. Users must also ensure that they are working within the limitations of the software and verify their designs through empirical testing and higher-fidelity simulations.


OpenVSP serves as a fundamental tool in the aerospace industry, offering capabilities that streamline the initial stages of vehicle design and enable a smooth transition to more detailed analysis. Its open-source nature and the support from a community of users and developers enhance its functionality and applicability in various aerospace projects.


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