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Deutsch: Raumfahrtstrategie / Español: Estrategia espacial / Português: Estratégia espacial / Français: Stratégie spatiale / Italiano: Strategia spaziale /

Strategy refers to the long-term plan or course of action that a company or organization follows to achieve its goals and objectives. In the context of the aerospace industry, strategies may be developed at the corporate level to guide the overall direction and growth of a company, or they may be developed at the business unit level to guide the activities of a specific product line or market segment.

Aerospace strategies may be developed to address a variety of issues and challenges, such as market trends, competition, regulatory changes, technological advancements, and cost pressures. These strategies may involve a range of activities, such as product development, market expansion, cost reduction, and partnerships or collaborations.

Effective aerospace strategies require a clear understanding of the industry and market dynamics, as well as the capabilities and resources of the company or organization. They also require careful planning and execution to ensure that they are aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the company or organization.

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