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ItalConsul is an engineering services enterprise. Its Core Business is Logistics Engineering,
in particular the R.A.M.S. (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety), as support for
the Design of Systems and Equipments.

ItalConsul offers Logistics Engineering services providing its customers with continuous
support in the various phases of the product life cycle: definition of requirements,
design, implementation and technical assistance.
Decades of experience gained in RAMS Analysis led ItalConsul to develop its ability to
Design in the fields of Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics Engineering (Machinery and
Equipment), Software and Assessments.
Moreover, ItalConsul extended over time its skills to simulations by software, such as
Finite Element Analysis, Multi-domain and circuit simulations, too. The work-areas of
ItalConsul concern Aerospace, Naval, Railway, Defence, Power Plants and manufacturing.
ItalConsul employs Human Resources with long experience, gained over decades.
They work in symbiosis with young talents, supported and trained constantly to highly
advanced projects.
Then ItalConsul is engaged in Research & Development activities. Among its results it
includes three patents, seventy scientific publications (also in prestigious journals) and
the realization of RelySoft®.
RelySoft® is a software that automates a methodology conceived to calculated the
probability involved in the Physics of Failure (PoF) approach. It can be used for Reliability
Prediction in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional reliability prediction
methods (like MIL-217 or NPRD approach) but not only for this. Italconsul has been using
Relysoft® for more than 20 years for railway and aerospace applications.


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