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OHB Italia S.p.A. is part of the European Space and Technology Group OHB (Orbitale
Hochtechnologie Bremen), listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It is one of the three
top system integrators in Europe with 2900 employees worldwide and total revenues
exceeded EUR 1 billion in 2018.

OHB Italia S.p.A. was funded in 1981, nowadays it is one
of the two major satellite system integrators in Italy with more than 200M€ backlog and
96M€ revenues in 2019. It is a recognized national leader in the fields of Satellite&Missions,
Earth Observation, Space Situational Awareness, Electronics&Mechanisms,
Scientific&Planetary Instruments, with headquarters and Clean Room facilities in Milan
and offices in Rome and Benevento. OHB Italia S.p.A. employs 210 people between staff
and collaborators, with a high percentage of graduates (78,5%) whose degrees are
mainly in Aerospace Engineering, Math and Physics, Electronic Engineering, Information
Technology. OHB Italia S.p.A. is prime contractor for various ASI/ESA missions and
the main customers are the Italian and European Space Agencies, Research Institutes,
Universities and all the industrial key players in the space market, with special attention
to export domain.


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