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Sabelt, founded in 1972, is a global leader in development and manufacturing of original
equipment car seats, motorsport products and special applications including cargo
retaining systems.

The quality of Sabelt products is the result of intensive Research and Development,
which allows to achieve the highest levels of performance and safety.
Sabelt yearly invests 8% of its resources in this department and is the only company
of its kind to have an internal dynamic test lab to perform ECE and FIA tests, verifying
strength and effectiveness of its products. Thanks to its long-lasting experience in
safety, it has been able to reduce the mass of the retaining systems for the space cargo
module up to 40% of its’ original weight (around 100 kg mass reduction achieved thanks
to high tech materials and new geometry design). It extended also the product portfolio
for space with new fireproof EPP bag support used in the space cargo operations to
optimize load storage.


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