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Companies: 0# A B C D E  F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

TSD has a relevant experience in the development of Imaging Systems, Avionics and
Scientific payload and Instruments for space applications on board several platforms
like Satellites, ISS, Capsule, Re-entry vehicles Sounding Rockets, Balloons and UAV.

TSD technological strategy is based on:
1. Focus on small platform and real time application
2. Look for technological excellence and for primeship in small niches
3. Technological independance
4. Build strong core competence
5. Develop proprietary solutions
6. Adopt simple and replicable architectures
7. Use of standard I/F
8. Easy of customisation
• TSD operates on the following space market segments:
◦ Institutional, in the frame of Agency (ESA, ASI) programs with direct contract
and/or under Prime contractors in the field of Microgravity, Technological
developments, Earth Observation, Exploration, Navigation
◦ Commercial, most in the field of Earth Observation, by providing Prime contractors
with general Avionics (OBDH, GN&C, PMS, TT&C, CDMU), Digital Video systems
and Optical payloads electronics
◦ R &D, by supporting research centers such as CIRA (Italian Center for Aerospace
research), INAF, CNR institutes and universities mostly for electronic developments
in experimental/not recurrent applications
• TSD also operates in non space markets such as Aerospace and Military


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