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Aerobraking in the space industry refers to a maneuver used to reduce the speed and alter the orbit of a spacecraft by passing it through the atmosphere of a planet. This technique exploits atmospheric drag to slow the spacecraft, making it an efficient method to conserve propellant after arrival at the destination planet or moon.


Aerobraking is a controlled process where a spacecraft dips into a planet's upper atmosphere in a series of passes, using the resulting friction to slow down gradually. This method extends the spacecraft's operational life by saving the fuel that would otherwise be used for decelerative burns. The technique is particularly beneficial for missions to planets like Mars or Venus, which have significant atmospheres but require careful handling to avoid excessive thermal stresses and potential damage.

Application Areas

  1. Orbital Insertion: Aerobraking is commonly used to place spacecraft into stable orbits around planets with atmospheres after they have traveled from Earth or another origin. This is often seen in missions to Mars, where entering orbit directly using only rocket burns would require prohibitive amounts of fuel.
  2. Adjusting Satellite Orbits: Satellites around Earth and other planets can use aerobraking to adjust their orbits, either to change their operational altitude or to prepare for decommissioning.
  3. End-of-Mission Disposal: Aerobraking can aid in the safe disposal of satellites and space debris by lowering their orbits to points where atmospheric re-entry and burn-up occur.

Well-Known Examples

  • Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Both of these NASA missions utilized aerobraking to achieve their desired orbits around Mars. The process involved multiple passes through the Martian atmosphere, gradually lowering their apoapses and reducing orbital eccentricity.
  • Venus Express: This European Space Agency (ESA) spacecraft used aerobraking at the end of its mission to lower its orbit around Venus, gathering valuable data about the planet's atmosphere and demonstrating the technique's utility.

Treatment and Risks

While aerobraking is highly efficient, it carries inherent risks and challenges:

  • Atmospheric Variability: Changes in atmospheric density, which can be influenced by solar activity and the planet's weather, can affect the predictability of aerobraking maneuvers.
  • Thermal and Structural Stress: The spacecraft must endure significant thermal and mechanical stress during each aerobraking pass, which can strain or damage components.
  • Navigation Precision: Precise navigation is crucial to ensure that the spacecraft enters the atmosphere at the correct angle and depth. Errors can lead to insufficient braking or, conversely, too much drag that could compromise the spacecraft.


Aerobraking is a critical technique in the space industry for efficiently altering spacecraft orbits around celestial bodies with atmospheres. It allows missions to conserve fuel and extend operational lifetimes while also posing significant engineering challenges due to the harsh conditions encountered during atmospheric passes. This method exemplifies the innovative approaches used in modern space exploration to maximize mission returns and manage resources effectively.


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