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Deutsch: Agentur / Español: Agencia / Português: Agência / Français: Agence / Italiano: Agenzia /

An agency is a organization or body that is responsible for carrying out a specific function or set of functions on behalf of another entity or government. Agencies can be found at the local, state, national, and international levels, and they can be responsible for a wide range of activities, including regulation, research, service delivery, and policy development.

In the context of the aerospace industry, agencies might be responsible for activities such as regulating the safety and performance of aircraft and spacecraft, conducting research on new technologies and materials, providing services to the aerospace industry, or developing policies related to the industry.

Examples of agencies that might be involved in the aerospace industry include the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States, which is responsible for regulating the safety of aviation, and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which performs a similar function in Europe. Other examples of agencies that might be involved in the aerospace industry include research agencies, such as NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), as well as agencies that provide services to the industry, such as air traffic control agencies.

Here are a few examples of agencies that are involved in the aerospace industry in Europe:

  1. European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA): EASA is an independent European Union (EU) agency that is responsible for regulating the safety of civil aviation in the EU. It is responsible for setting and enforcing safety standards for aircraft and related systems, as well as for approving aircraft designs and certifying aircraft components.

  2. European Space Agency (ESA): ESA is an intergovernmental organization that is responsible for coordinating the development of Europe's space capabilities and promoting cooperation in the space sector. It conducts research on space-related technologies, develops and launches satellites, and coordinates the use of European space assets.

  3. Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR): SESAR is a joint undertaking between the EU and the aviation industry that is responsible for modernizing and harmonizing the air traffic management (ATM) system in Europe. It conducts research on new ATM technologies and develops strategies for improving the efficiency and performance of the ATM system.

  4. European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA): EASA is a EU agency that is responsible for regulating the safety of civil aviation in the EU. It sets and enforces safety standards for aircraft and related systems, as well as for approving aircraft designs and certifying aircraft components.

  5. European Commission: The European Commission is the executive body of the EU, and it is responsible for proposing and implementing EU policies. It has a number of responsibilities related to the aerospace industry, including the development of policies related to aviation safety, environmental protection, and research and innovation.
  6. European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL): EUROCONTROL is an intergovernmental organization that is responsible for coordinating and managing air traffic control (ATC) in Europe. It provides ATC services to member states, develops policies and procedures for the operation of the ATC system, and conducts research on new ATC technologies.
  7. European Defence Agency (EDA): The EDA is an EU agency that is responsible for coordinating and enhancing the defense capabilities of EU member states. It supports the development of European defense technologies and capabilities, including those related to the aerospace industry.
  8. European Union Agency for Railways (ERA): The ERA is an EU agency that is responsible for regulating the safety and interoperability of the rail network in the EU. It sets and enforces safety standards for railway equipment, including those related to the aerospace industry, such as aircraft ground support equipment.
  9. European Space Weather Programme (ESWP): The ESWP is a program of the European Commission that is responsible for coordinating the development and use of space weather services in Europe. It conducts research on space weather phenomena, such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms, and develops strategies for mitigating their impact on satellite systems and other aerospace assets.
  10. European Southern Observatory (ESO): The ESO is an intergovernmental organization that is responsible for conducting astronomical research in the southern Hemisphere. It operates a network of telescopes in Chile and other countries in South America, and its research includes the study of objects in the solar system and beyond.
  11. European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA): The GSA is an EU agency that is responsible for coordinating the development and use of satellite navigation systems in Europe, such as the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) and the Galileo global positioning system (GPS). It also conducts research on new satellite navigation technologies and applications.
  12. European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC): The EUSC is an EU agency that is responsible for providing satellite-based services and support to the EU and its member states. It operates a network of satellite ground stations and provides a range of services, including earth observation, satellite navigation, and satellite communication.
  13. European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC): ESTEC is the main research and technology center of the European Space Agency (ESA). It is responsible for the development and testing of space-related technologies and systems, as well as for the preparation and coordination of ESA's space missions.
  14. European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC): The EUSC is an EU agency that is responsible for providing satellite-based services and support to the EU and its member states. It operates a network of satellite ground stations and provides a range of services, including earth observation, satellite navigation, and satellite communication.
  15. European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA): The GSA is an EU agency that is responsible for overseeing the development and operation of the European satellite navigation systems, such as the EGNOS and Galileo systems. It sets policies and standards for these systems, as well as for their use and implementation.

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