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Traffic refers to the movement of aircraft, either within the airspace of a particular region or on the ground at an airport or other airfield. Traffic can refer to both commercial and military aircraft, and it can include a wide range of aircraft types, from small, single-engine planes to large commercial jets.

In the context of airspace, traffic refers to the flow of aircraft through the sky. Air traffic controllers are responsible for managing the movement of aircraft in the airspace of a particular region, ensuring that they are separated by a safe distance and are following the appropriate flight paths and procedures. This can involve coordinating the movement of aircraft that are flying at different altitudes, as well as directing aircraft to and from specific airports.

At an airport or other airfield, traffic refers to the movement of aircraft on the ground. This can include aircraft that are taxiing, taking off, or landing, as well as aircraft that are being loaded or unloaded or are being serviced or repaired. Air traffic controllers and ground crew are responsible for coordinating the movement of aircraft on the ground to ensure that they are safely separated and that they are able to take off or land in a timely manner.

Overall, traffic is an important aspect of the aerospace industry, and it is essential to ensure the safe and efficient movement of aircraft in the air and on the ground.

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