Glossary T +++ Popular Articles: 'Technology', 'Temperature', 'Transponder'
Deutsch: Tablet / Español: Tableta / Português: Tablet / Français: Tablette / Italian: Tavoletta
Tablet in the space industry context refers to a portable, touch-screen device used by astronauts, engineers, and scientists for various operational, technical, and research purposes during space missions. These devices play a critical role in facilitating communication, data analysis, mission planning, and education in the unique environment of space.
Deutsch: Start / Español: Despegue / Português: Decolagem / Français: Décollage / Italiano: Decollo
Take-off in the space industry context refers to the initial phase of a spacecraft's launch, where the vehicle leaves the ground and begins its ascent into space. This phase is critical for achieving the necessary velocity and trajectory to reach orbit or a specified mission destination.
In the aerospace context, tape is a type of adhesive material that is used to hold, secure, or seal various components or materials together.
Deutsch: Taxonomie / Español: Taxonomía / Português: Taxonomia / Français: Taxonomie / Italiano: Tassonomia
Taxonomy in the space industry context refers to the systematic classification and organisation of objects, technologies, missions, or data related to space exploration and operations. It involves creating structured categories and hierarchies to simplify understanding, management, and communication within the space sector.
TDRSS stands for the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System. TDRSS is a system of communication satellites that are used by NASA and other organizations to provide communications and data services for spacecraft, aircraft, and other systems.
Deutsch: Technische Komplexität / Español: Complejidad técnica / Português: Complexidade técnica / Français: Complexité technique / Italiano: Complessità tecnica
Technical Complexity refers to the intricate and multifaceted nature of designing, developing, and managing technologies and systems. In the space industry, this encompasses the challenges and sophisticated processes involved in space missions, satellite operations, and space exploration activities.
Deutsch: Technologische Innovation / Español: Innovación tecnológica / Português: Inovação tecnológica / Français: Innovation technologique / Italiano: Innovazione tecnologica
Technological Innovation refers to the process of developing new technologies or improving existing ones to advance capabilities and efficiencies. In the space industry, this involves creating and implementing cutting-edge technologies to enhance space exploration, satellite communication, and other space-related activities.
Deutsch: Technologie im Raumfahrtkontext / Español: Tecnología en el contexto espacial / Português: Tecnologia no contexto espacial / Français: Technologie dans le contexte spatial / Italiano: Tecnologia nel contesto spaziale /
Technology refers to the tools, techniques, and processes that are used to create, produce, and transmit goods and services. It includes the knowledge and skills required to design, develop, and use technological systems and devices.
Deutsch: Tektonik / Español: Tectónica / Português: Tectônica / Français: Tectonique / Italiano: Tettonica /
In the space industry context, tectonics refers to the study and analysis of the structure, properties, and processes affecting the crusts of planets and moons, extending the principles of Earth's plate tectonics to other celestial bodies. This field, often termed "comparative planetology" when discussing tectonics beyond Earth, investigates the geological activity, such as the movement of surface plates, volcanic activity, and formation of geological features, on planets and moons within our solar system and beyond.
Deutsch: Raumfahrtkommunikation / Español: Telecomunicaciones espaciales / Português: Telecomunicações espaciais / Français: Télécommunications spatiales / Italiano: Telecomunicazioni spaziali /
In the aerospace context, telecommunications refers to the transmission of information, such as data, voice, or video, over long distances using electronic or electromagnetic signals. This can be accomplished using a variety of technologies, including satellite systems, radio waves, and fiber optic cables.
"Telematic" in the space industry context typically refers to the integrated use of telecommunications and informatics for transmitting information to and from spacecraft. This includes the technologies and processes involved in sending commands to space vehicles, receiving data from them, and processing that data for further analysis and action. Telematics encompasses the hardware and software systems used for communication between space vehicles and ground control, as well as between spacecraft themselves. It's crucial for monitoring spacecraft health, position, and performance, conducting scientific experiments remotely, and managing satellite constellations for various applications like Earth observation, navigation, and communication.
Telemetry refers to the process of remotely measuring and collecting data from aerospace vehicles or other objects, such as aircraft, rockets, satellites, or spacecraft. This data is typically collected using sensors and transmitted to a ground station or other remote location for analysis and monitoring.
Deutsch: Teleoperation / Español: Teleoperación / Português: Teleoperação / Français: Téléopération / Italiano: Teleoperazione
Teleoperation in the space industry refers to the remote control of spacecraft, robotic systems, or instruments from a distance, typically from Earth or an orbiting station. It allows operators to perform tasks and manage systems in environments that are inaccessible or hazardous for humans, such as outer space or planetary surfaces.
Deutsch: Telefonie / Español: Telefonía / Português: Telefonia / Français: Téléphonie / Italiano: Telefonia
Telephony in the space industry refers to the use of satellite-based communication systems to provide voice communication services, including telephone calls and voice transmission, over long distances and in remote or inaccessible areas. It plays a crucial role in global communications, supporting both Earth-based and space-based networks for commercial, governmental, and space mission operations.
Deutsch: Teleport / Español: Telepuerto / Português: Teleporto / Français: Téléport / Italiano: Teleporto
Teleport in the space industry context refers to a ground-based facility that provides support for satellite communications, including the transmission and reception of satellite signals, network operations, and data processing. These facilities are essential for managing and operating satellite networks, providing a link between satellites and terrestrial communication infrastructure.
A telescope is an instrument that is used to observe objects in space, such as planets, stars galaxies, and other celestial bodies. Telescopes are used to collect light from these objects and to focus it onto a detector, such as a camera or a spectrograph, in order to study their characteristics and to learn more about the universe.
Telescoping in the aerospace context refers to the ability of a structure to extend or retract in length. This feature allows for a more compact storage or transportation and a larger operational size.
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