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In the aerospace context, transmission refers to the system of gears, shafts, and other mechanical components that transmit power from the aircraft's engine to the propellers, wheels, or other propulsion system.

The transmission is responsible for converting the high-speed, low-torque power output of the engine into the low-speed, high-torque power required to turn the propellers or wheels.

Examples of transmissions in aerospace include:

  • Gearboxes in propeller-driven aircraft, which transfer power from the engine to the propeller shaft.
  • Planetary gear systems in helicopter rotor drive, which transfer power from the engine to the rotor system and allows the helicopter to change the pitch of the rotor blades.
  • Drive systems in electric and hybrid-electric aircraft, which transfer power from the electric motor(s) to the propellers or wheels.

Transmissions in aerospace are typically designed to be lightweight, durable, and reliable, as they need to withstand the harsh conditions of flight and must be able to operate continuously for long periods of time.

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