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Deutsch: Signalakquisition / Español: Adquisición de señal / Português: Aquisição de sinal / Français: Acquisition du signal / Italiano: Acquisizione del segnale

Acquisition of signal (AOS) in the space industry context refers to the moment when a ground station first establishes communication with a spacecraft after a period of no communication. This term is crucial for tracking and controlling spacecraft, ensuring that data and commands are exchanged accurately and efficiently between Earth and the spacecraft.


Acquisition of signal typically occurs after a spacecraft emerges from behind a celestial body or when it becomes aligned with a communication satellite or ground antenna. This event is critical for mission control teams as it confirms that the spacecraft is operational and provides an opportunity to download telemetry data, upload commands, and assess the overall health of the spacecraft. AOS is a routine part of space missions, particularly in missions involving orbits around Earth or other celestial bodies where periodic signal loss and reacquisition occur due to the natural movements of the spacecraft.

Application Areas

  1. Satellite Operations: AOS is a regular part of managing satellites, especially those in low Earth orbit (LEO) that frequently pass in and out of range of ground stations.
  2. Deep Space Missions: For missions beyond Earth orbit, AOS can be less frequent. Successful AOS after long silences can be crucial for mission success, as it confirms that the spacecraft is on the correct trajectory and operating as expected.
  3. Spacecraft Launch and Deployment: Initial AOS is a critical milestone after the launch of a spacecraft, indicating that the satellite has deployed correctly and begun functioning.

Well-Known Examples

Treatment and Risks

Ensuring reliable AOS involves several challenges:

  • Signal Interference: Spacecraft must contend with cosmic radiation and other sources of interference that can disrupt signal acquisition.
  • Orbital Mechanics: The precise calculation of orbits and alignments is necessary to predict when AOS will occur, especially for spacecraft far from Earth.
  • Equipment Failure: The failure of communication equipment either on the spacecraft or at ground stations can prevent AOS, potentially leading to mission failure.


In the space industry, acquisition of signal is a key event that indicates a spacecraft is in a position to communicate with Earth, allowing for the transmission of data and commands necessary for successful mission operations. Effective management of AOS is critical for the continuous monitoring and control of spacecraft throughout their missions.


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