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Deutsch: Erdaufgang / Español: Amanecer terrestre / Português: Nascer da Terra / Français: Lever de la Terre / Italiano: Alba terrestre

Earthrise refers to a phenomenon observed from a lunar or orbital perspective, where the Earth appears to rise above the horizon of the Moon or another celestial body. This term is most famously associated with the iconic photograph taken by astronaut William Anders in 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission, the first manned mission to orbit the Moon.


The Earthrise photograph is one of the most influential images from the space age, capturing the Earth's fragile beauty suspended in the vastness of space. The sight of Earth, with its vivid blues and whites contrasting against the stark, grey lunar surface, provided a profound new perspective on our planet, emphasizing its isolation and vulnerability. This image has since become a symbol of the environmental movement and has played a significant role in shaping public perception of the Earth as a shared home requiring stewardship and protection.

Application Areas

While the Earthrise phenomenon itself is a natural occurrence, the concept and its imagery have been used extensively in various contexts within the space industry:

  • Education and Outreach: Earthrise is utilized in educational programs and public outreach as a powerful tool to teach about Earth's ecology, space exploration, and the need for planetary protection.
  • Scientific Research: The perspectives gained from such imagery help scientists study Earth's atmospheric composition and weather patterns from a unique vantage point.
  • Space Missions: Imagery like Earthrise is used in mission planning and analysis, providing data on Earth's light reflection, which can aid in calibrating instruments aboard spacecraft.

Well-Known Examples

The original Earthrise image from Apollo 8 remains the most notable example. However, similar phenomena have been captured in other missions, including more recent lunar missions by other countries' space agencies, and even from the perspective of Martian orbiters, looking back at Earth.

Treatment and Risks

Discussing Earthrise in the context of space industry practices primarily involves the consideration of its cultural and psychological impacts. The image and its implications serve as a reminder of the finite nature of Earth's resources and the importance of global cooperation in space exploration and Earth conservation. The concept of Earthrise encourages a shift in perspective—a "big picture" view that is vital for long-term planning and sustainability in space activities.


Earthrise transcends its role as a mere visual phenomenon to symbolize a moment of global consciousness, highlighting Earth's isolation and the interconnectedness of all who live on it. Its legacy continues to inspire efforts in space exploration, environmental protection, and international cooperation.


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