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English: Outgassing / Deutsch: Ausgasung / Español: Desgasificación / Português: Desgaseificação / Français: Dégazage / Italiano: Degassamento /

In the space industry, "outgassing" refers to the process by which volatile substances trapped within materials or components release gases when exposed to the vacuum and extreme conditions of outer space. This phenomenon is of paramount importance for spacecraft and satellite design and poses significant challenges in ensuring mission success and longevity. This article will explore the concept of outgassing in the space industry, delve into various examples of outgassing-related issues, assess associated risks, and discuss historical context and legal considerations. Additionally, we will draw parallels with similar processes in other industries to highlight the importance of managing outgassing in space technology.

Understanding Outgassing: A Critical Challenge in Space Technology

Outgassing occurs when materials, such as polymers, adhesives, and paints, release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other gases when exposed to the vacuum and extreme temperatures of space. These gases can contaminate nearby surfaces, including sensitive instruments and optics, leading to reduced mission effectiveness or failure.

Examples of Outgassing-Related Issues:

  1. Optical Contamination: Telescopes, cameras, and other optical instruments are highly susceptible to outgassing-induced contamination, which can degrade image quality.

  2. Solar Panel Degradation: Solar cells on spacecraft can be adversely affected by outgassing byproducts, leading to reduced power generation.

  3. Sensor and Detector Interference: Scientific instruments and sensors can be compromised by outgassing, affecting data accuracy.

Risks and Challenges Associated with Outgassing:

  1. Mission Failure: Outgassing-related contamination can result in mission failure or reduced mission lifespan.

  2. Data Inaccuracy: Scientific missions may produce inaccurate or unusable data if sensitive instruments are contaminated.

  3. Cost Overruns: Remediation efforts to mitigate outgassing issues can lead to unexpected costs.

Historical Context and Legal Considerations:

Outgassing has been a concern in the space industry since the early days of space exploration. It gained prominence during NASA's Apollo program when outgassing from materials used in the lunar module posed a risk to the astronauts' health and equipment. Today, strict cleanliness standards and material selection guidelines are in place to mitigate outgassing-related problems.

Legal considerations primarily revolve around international agreements related to space debris and contamination. The Outer Space Treaty, established in 1967, emphasizes the need to avoid harmful contamination of celestial bodies. Additionally, space agencies and organizations have their own guidelines and standards to prevent outgassing-related issues.

Similar Processes in Other Industries:

  1. Electronics Manufacturing: The electronics industry faces challenges related to "outgassing" of volatile compounds during soldering and component manufacturing, which can affect product reliability.

  2. Automotive: In the automotive industry, "outgassing" of materials inside a vehicle can lead to undesirable odors and reduced air quality.

  3. Aerospace: Aircraft interiors must consider the "outgassing" of materials, particularly in enclosed spaces like cabins.


Outgassing is a critical consideration in the space industry, where the harsh conditions of outer space can cause materials to release volatile compounds that can contaminate nearby surfaces and equipment. It is an issue that has historical significance and continues to be a focus of research, development, and quality control efforts. The consequences of outgassing can range from reduced instrument performance to mission failure, making it a central concern for space agencies, aerospace companies, and scientists conducting space missions.

Managing outgassing requires careful selection of materials and the implementation of strict cleanliness and contamination control measures. While progress has been made in addressing outgassing-related challenges, ongoing research and innovation are necessary to ensure the success of future space missions.

As space exploration advances and missions become more complex, managing outgassing will remain a critical consideration to maximize the reliability and effectiveness of space technology. By understanding and mitigating the risks associated with outgassing, we can continue to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and further our understanding of the universe.

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