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Deutsch: Säure-Base-Reaktion / Español: Reacción ácido-base / Português: Reação ácido-base / Français: Réaction acide-base / Italiano: Reazione acido-base

Acid-base reaction in the space industry context refers to a chemical reaction that involves the transfer of protons (H⁺ ions) between a proton donor (acid) and a proton acceptor (base). In the space industry, these reactions are significant for a variety of applications, from life support systems to energy storage and material processing.


An acid-base reaction is fundamental in many biological and chemical processes. In space, where environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS) are crucial for human survival, managing acid-base balance is essential. These reactions are used to regulate CO₂ levels, manage waste, and maintain water quality on spacecraft and space stations.

Application Areas

  1. Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS): Acid-base reactions are used to scrub carbon dioxide from cabin air, as CO₂ can be absorbed by a base, forming a more stable compound which can be removed or recycled.
  2. Energy Storage Systems: Some battery technologies, including certain types of fuel cells, rely on acid-base reactions to store and release energy. In these systems, the flow of protons between different materials (acting as acids and bases) facilitates electrical energy storage and discharge.
  3. Material Science: Understanding acid-base interactions is important in the development of materials that are resistant to corrosion in acidic or basic environments, which is crucial for spacecraft components exposed to harsh chemical conditions.

Well-Known Examples

  • CO₂ Scrubbers on the ISS: The International Space Station uses a system that involves acid-base chemistry to remove carbon dioxide from the air, helping to maintain a breathable atmosphere for the astronauts.
  • Electrolyte Development for Batteries: Research into improving the efficiency and lifespan of batteries for use in space exploration often focuses on optimizing the acid-base properties of the electrolytes used.

Treatment and Risks

While acid-base reactions are essential for many systems in space, they also come with challenges and risks:

  • Corrosion: Improper management of acid-base environments can lead to corrosion of spacecraft components, particularly in systems like CO₂ scrubbers where moist, acidic conditions may prevail.
  • Material Compatibility: Materials used in systems that involve acid-base reactions must be carefully selected to ensure they are compatible and will not degrade or emit harmful byproducts when exposed to acidic or basic conditions.
  • Operational Stability: Maintaining the correct balance of acid and base in closed-loop systems such as life support is critical; imbalances can lead to system failure or unsafe conditions for astronauts.


In the space industry, acid-base reactions are crucial for environmental control, energy storage, and materials science. These reactions play a key role in ensuring the functionality and safety of space missions, supporting the sustainability of life and technology in space environments.


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