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Deutsch: Systemausfall / Español: Fallo del sistema / Português: Falha do sistema / Français: Panne de système / Italiano: Guasto del sistema

System Failure refers to the malfunction or breakdown of one or more components within a spacecraft or space infrastructure, leading to a loss of functionality or a complete halt in operations. In the space industry, system failures can have critical consequences, potentially jeopardizing missions, endangering lives, and causing substantial financial losses.


In the space industry, system failure can occur in various forms, including hardware malfunctions, software glitches, and communication breakdowns. These failures can affect different parts of a spacecraft or space station, such as propulsion systems, life support systems, navigation systems, and scientific instruments. Key factors include:

  • Hardware Failures: Mechanical components, sensors, or electronics can fail due to manufacturing defects, wear and tear, or exposure to harsh space conditions like extreme temperatures and radiation.
  • Software Failures: Bugs, glitches, or corrupted data can disrupt the operations of onboard computers and control systems.
  • Communication Failures: Loss of signal or data transmission issues can prevent ground control from communicating with the spacecraft, leading to loss of control and data.
  • Environmental Factors: Space debris, micrometeoroids, and solar radiation can damage systems and lead to failures.

Special Considerations

Risk Mitigation: To address the risk of system failures, the space industry employs rigorous testing, redundancy, and contingency planning. Systems are tested extensively on Earth under simulated space conditions. Redundancy is built into critical systems to provide backups in case of failure. Contingency plans and emergency protocols are in place to respond quickly to failures and minimize their impact.

Application Areas

System failures can impact several areas within the space industry, including:

  • Manned Space Missions: Failures in life support, navigation, or propulsion systems can endanger astronauts' lives.
  • Satellite Operations: Failures in communication, power, or control systems can render satellites inoperative, affecting services like GPS, weather forecasting, and telecommunications.
  • Space Exploration Missions: Failures in scientific instruments or communication systems can jeopardize missions to other planets, moons, or asteroids, leading to loss of valuable data and research opportunities.
  • Space Station Operations: Failures in power, thermal control, or life support systems on the ISS or other space stations can disrupt operations and endanger crew members.

Well-Known Examples

  • Apollo 13: The explosion of an oxygen tank caused a critical system failure, but the crew survived thanks to effective crisis management and system redundancy.
  • Mars Climate Orbiter: A navigation system failure due to a unit conversion error led to the spacecraft's destruction upon entering Mars' atmosphere.
  • Hubble Space Telescope: Early in its mission, a flaw in the primary mirror required a series of repair missions to correct the issue and restore full functionality.

Treatment and Risks

Addressing system failures involves several strategies:

  • Immediate Response: Quick identification and isolation of the failure, followed by executing pre-planned contingency procedures.
  • Repair and Recovery: In manned missions, astronauts may conduct spacewalks to repair damaged systems. For unmanned missions, software updates or reconfigurations might restore functionality.
  • Preventive Measures: Rigorous pre-launch testing, ongoing monitoring, and maintenance are critical in preventing failures.

Risks Associated with System Failure:

  • Loss of Mission: Complete mission failure can occur, resulting in loss of equipment, data, and scientific opportunities.
  • Endangerment of Lives: In manned missions, system failures can pose serious risks to astronaut safety.
  • Financial Loss: Failures can lead to significant financial losses due to the cost of the mission and the value of lost equipment and data.

Similar Terms

  • Technical Failure: General term for any malfunction of equipment or systems.
  • Mission Abort: Termination of a mission due to critical failures or unforeseen issues.
  • Redundancy System: Backup systems designed to take over in case the primary system fails.


System Failure in the space industry encompasses various types of malfunctions that can critically impact missions, equipment, and astronaut safety. Effective risk mitigation strategies, including rigorous testing, redundancy, and contingency planning, are essential to manage and prevent these failures. High-profile incidents like Apollo 13 and the Mars Climate Orbiter highlight the challenges and importance of managing system failures in space exploration.


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