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Deutsch: JUICE / Español: JUICE / Português: JUICE / Français: JUICE / Italiano: JUICE

JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) is a space mission developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) aimed at exploring Jupiter and its three largest moons: Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto. These moons are of great scientific interest due to their potential subsurface oceans, which could harbor the conditions necessary for life. The JUICE mission, launched in April 2023, will study the atmosphere of Jupiter and the geology, magnetism, and ice-covered environments of its moons, with a primary focus on Ganymede.


JUICE is one of the European Space Agency’s flagship missions, dedicated to the exploration of Jupiter’s icy moons. It is part of ESA's Cosmic Vision programme, focusing on understanding the solar system and exploring the habitability of extraterrestrial environments. JUICE is the first large-class mission to Jupiter, designed to provide unprecedented insights into the gas giant and its moons, particularly focusing on whether these moons could support life.

The spacecraft will arrive at Jupiter in 2031 after a series of gravity-assist flybys of Earth, Venus, and Mars. Once in the Jupiter system, JUICE will perform detailed flybys of Europa and Callisto before entering orbit around Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system. It will be the first spacecraft to orbit a moon other than Earth's.

Key goals of the JUICE mission include:

  • Ganymede’s Habitability: Ganymede is of particular interest because it likely contains a subsurface ocean beneath its thick ice crust. JUICE will investigate the moon’s potential for habitability by studying its ice shell, internal ocean, and magnetic field. It will also analyze Ganymede’s atmosphere and surface composition to better understand its environment.

  • Exploration of Europa and Callisto: JUICE will conduct flybys of Europa and Callisto, moons that also have icy surfaces and possibly subsurface oceans. Europa, in particular, is thought to have a thin ice shell covering an ocean in contact with the moon’s rocky interior, which could provide the necessary conditions for life. The spacecraft will study the surface and near-surface environments of these moons.

  • Jupiter’s Atmosphere and Magnetosphere: Besides focusing on the moons, JUICE will also study Jupiter’s atmosphere, magnetosphere, and the interaction between the gas giant and its moons. This includes investigating the dynamics of the planet’s storms, clouds, and magnetospheric interactions.

  • Understanding the Jovian System: By studying Jupiter and its moons, JUICE aims to provide new insights into the formation and evolution of gas giant planets and their moons. These findings will not only shed light on the Jovian system but also offer broader insights into the many exoplanets with similar characteristics observed in other star systems.

Key Instruments

JUICE is equipped with a suite of advanced scientific instruments designed to study the physical and chemical properties of Jupiter and its moons. Some of the notable instruments include:

  • J-MAG: A magnetometer to study Ganymede’s magnetic field.
  • GALA: A laser altimeter to map the surface of Ganymede with high precision.
  • JANUS: A high-resolution camera to capture detailed images of the surfaces of Jupiter’s moons.
  • MAJIS: A visible and infrared imaging spectrometer to study the surface and atmosphere of the moons.
  • RIME: A radar instrument to probe beneath the icy surfaces of Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto, detecting potential subsurface oceans.

Application Areas

  • Astrobiology: JUICE will help determine whether Ganymede, Europa, or Callisto could have the conditions necessary to support life by studying their subsurface oceans and environmental conditions.

  • Planetary Science: By exploring Jupiter’s atmosphere, magnetosphere, and the icy moons, JUICE will advance our understanding of gas giant planets and their natural satellites, which has implications for studying exoplanetary systems.

  • Space Exploration: JUICE will pioneer exploration techniques for icy moons, including subsurface exploration using radar. Its findings will be essential for future missions targeting the outer planets and their moons, including NASA’s planned Europa Clipper mission.


JUICE is a groundbreaking mission by the European Space Agency designed to explore Jupiter and its icy moons, with a focus on Ganymede’s potential habitability. Equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, JUICE will study the composition, geology, and magnetic environments of Jupiter’s moons, providing critical insights into the possibilities of life beyond Earth and the evolution of gas giant systems.


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