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Deutsch: Marsatmosphäre / Español: Atmósfera de Marte / Português: Atmosfera de Marte / Français: Atmosphère de Mars / Italiano: Atmosfera di Marte

Mars Atmosphere in the space industry context refers to the thin, cold, and carbon dioxide-rich gaseous envelope surrounding Mars. Understanding the Martian atmosphere is crucial for planning and conducting missions to Mars, including robotic explorations, human landings, and potential future colonisation. The atmosphere influences various mission aspects, such as landing techniques, surface operations, radiation exposure, and potential resource utilisation for life support and propulsion.


The Mars atmosphere is vastly different from Earth’s, characterised by its low density, thin composition, and extreme weather conditions. Key features include:

  1. Composition: Mars’ atmosphere is primarily composed of carbon dioxide (CO₂) (about 95.3%), with trace amounts of nitrogen (N₂) (2.7%), argon (Ar) (1.6%), and small amounts of oxygen, water vapour, and other gases. The thin atmosphere lacks a significant amount of oxygen and is not breathable for humans.

  2. Surface Pressure: The surface pressure on Mars averages around 610 pascals (0.088 psi), which is less than 1% of Earth’s atmospheric pressure at sea level. This low pressure poses challenges for landing spacecraft and sustaining human life, as it affects aerodynamic performance and heat shielding during entry, descent, and landing (EDL).

  3. Temperature: Mars experiences extreme temperature variations, with average surface temperatures around -60°C (-80°F). Temperatures can range from about -125°C (-195°F) near the poles during winter to 20°C (68°F) near the equator during summer. These conditions present challenges for thermal management of spacecraft and habitats.

  4. Dust and Weather: Mars is known for its pervasive dust storms, which can cover the entire planet and last for weeks or months. These storms can obscure solar power, interfere with communication, and impact surface operations. The atmosphere also experiences seasonal changes, frost, and localised weather phenomena, such as dust devils and ice clouds.

  5. Thin Atmosphere and Radiation Exposure: The thin atmosphere offers little protection from cosmic radiation and solar particles, posing a significant risk to both robotic missions and human explorers. This necessitates advanced radiation shielding and protection strategies.

  6. Atmospheric Dynamics: Despite its thinness, the atmosphere supports weather patterns, including winds that can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h (62 mph). Understanding these dynamics is important for mission planning, especially for landers and rovers that must operate on the Martian surface.

Importance and Challenges: Studying the Martian atmosphere is essential for landing site selection, designing entry, descent, and landing systems, and assessing the feasibility of in-situ resource utilisation (ISRU) technologies, such as extracting oxygen from CO₂ for breathable air or rocket propellant.

Application Areas

The Mars atmosphere plays a crucial role in various aspects of space missions, including:

  • Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL): The thin atmosphere of Mars complicates the EDL process. Spacecraft use heat shields, parachutes, and retro-propulsion to slow down and land safely, but the low density of the atmosphere makes these techniques less effective compared to Earth.

  • Surface Operations: Rovers and landers must be designed to withstand dust storms, temperature extremes, and low pressure. Understanding the atmosphere helps engineers create systems that can operate reliably in these harsh conditions.

  • Human Exploration: For future human missions, the atmosphere’s characteristics will impact habitat design, life support systems, and surface suits. The thin atmosphere means there is little insulation against cold and no protection from radiation, necessitating advanced shielding and environmental control.

  • In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU): ISRU technologies aim to use the Martian atmosphere to support human missions by producing oxygen from CO₂ and using atmospheric components for fuel and other consumables, reducing the need to transport everything from Earth.

  • Climate and Weather Research: Studying Mars’ atmosphere provides insights into the planet’s climate history, current weather patterns, and the potential for past or present life. It also helps in comparative planetology, enhancing our understanding of planetary atmospheres and their evolution.

Well-Known Examples

Several missions and experiments have significantly enhanced our understanding of the Mars atmosphere:

  • NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover): Curiosity has been studying the Martian surface and atmosphere since 2012, measuring radiation levels, weather patterns, and atmospheric composition, providing valuable data for future human exploration.

  • Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) Mission: Launched by NASA, MAVEN has been studying the upper atmosphere of Mars since 2014, providing insights into how the atmosphere has evolved over time and how it interacts with solar wind, which contributes to the ongoing loss of atmospheric particles to space.

  • Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover: Equipped with the MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment) instrument, Perseverance is testing the technology to produce oxygen from the Martian CO₂, a crucial step for supporting future human missions.

  • ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): A collaboration between ESA and Roscosmos, the TGO is studying trace gases in Mars’ atmosphere, such as methane, which could indicate geological or biological activity.

Treatment and Risks

The unique properties of the Mars atmosphere pose several challenges and risks:

  • Landing Risks: The thin atmosphere provides limited aerodynamic drag, making it difficult to slow down spacecraft adequately for landing. This requires complex EDL systems that combine heat shields, parachutes, and retro-rockets, all of which must work flawlessly in sequence.

  • Radiation Hazard: The lack of a thick atmosphere and magnetic field exposes the Martian surface to high levels of radiation, increasing the risks of cancer and other health issues for human explorers and posing challenges for long-term mission sustainability.

  • Dust and Weather Impacts: Dust storms can significantly impact surface operations by reducing visibility, clogging mechanisms, and diminishing the efficiency of solar panels. Understanding and predicting weather patterns are critical for mission planning and safety.

  • Temperature Extremes: The wide temperature fluctuations necessitate robust thermal control systems for both robotic and human missions to ensure operational stability and protect sensitive equipment.

Similar Terms

  • Atmospheric Entry: Refers to the process of a spacecraft entering the atmosphere of a planet, which is a critical phase for Mars missions due to the unique challenges posed by the thin atmosphere.

  • In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU): Technologies that use local resources, such as the CO₂ in Mars’ atmosphere, to support mission needs like oxygen production and fuel generation.

  • Planetary Atmosphere: The gaseous envelope surrounding a planet, with Mars’ atmosphere being a specific example characterized by its thinness and CO₂ dominance.


The Mars atmosphere is a key factor in the design and operation of space missions to the Red Planet. Its thin, CO₂-rich composition, extreme temperatures, and dust-laden environment present unique challenges for landing, surface operations, and human exploration. Understanding and adapting to the Martian atmosphere are crucial for mission success, enabling safer landings, effective surface activities, and sustainable human presence through resource utilisation. Ongoing research and exploration continue to unlock the secrets of Mars’ atmosphere, paving the way for the next era of planetary exploration.


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