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Deutsch: Flüchtige Entwicklung / Español: Evolución de Volátiles / Português: Evolução de Voláteis / Français: Évolution des Volatils / Italiano: Evoluzione dei Volatili

Volatile Evolution in the space industry context refers to the study and analysis of the changes and behaviour of volatile substances—such as water, carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases—on celestial bodies over time. This includes understanding how these volatiles are released, trapped, or altered due to geological, atmospheric, or solar interactions. In planetary science and exploration, volatile evolution is crucial for uncovering the history of planetary atmospheres, assessing habitability, and planning resource utilisation for future space missions.


Volatile evolution involves the investigation of processes that govern the presence, distribution, and changes of volatile substances on planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial bodies. Volatiles are elements or compounds that can easily vaporise, such as water ice turning into vapour, or carbon dioxide sublimating under certain conditions. Key aspects of volatile evolution include:

  1. Atmospheric Loss: Studying how volatiles are lost from a planetary atmosphere over time, often due to solar wind stripping, photodissociation, or thermal escape. For example, Mars has lost much of its original atmosphere, including significant amounts of water, due to these processes, which have been studied by missions like NASA's MAVEN.

  2. Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: Understanding how volatiles move between a planet's surface and its atmosphere, such as seasonal changes in polar ice caps on Mars where carbon dioxide and water ice sublimate in warmer months and re-freeze in colder months.

  3. Cryovolcanism and Outgassing: Investigating how volatiles are released from a planet’s interior through volcanic or cryovolcanic activity. On moons like Europa and Enceladus, cryovolcanism releases water vapour and other volatiles, providing insights into subsurface oceans and potential habitability.

  4. Impact of Solar Radiation: Solar radiation can drive volatile evolution by breaking down molecules or causing sublimation of ices on the surface of bodies without protective atmospheres, such as asteroids and comets. This can lead to the formation of thin, transient atmospheres known as exospheres.

  5. Resource Utilisation and ISRU: Understanding the distribution and evolution of volatiles is key for in-situ resource utilisation (ISRU) strategies, such as extracting water for drinking, oxygen for breathing, or hydrogen for fuel on the Moon, Mars, or asteroids.

  6. Historical Climate and Habitability: Studying volatile evolution helps reconstruct the climate history of planets, revealing past conditions that could have supported life. For instance, evidence of past liquid water on Mars suggests it once had a thicker atmosphere capable of supporting rivers and lakes.

Importance and Challenges: Volatile evolution is fundamental to planetary exploration because it affects the potential for life, the stability of an atmosphere, and the availability of resources for human exploration. However, these processes are complex, vary widely across different bodies, and are influenced by numerous factors, making them challenging to study comprehensively.

Application Areas

Volatile evolution is important in several space industry contexts:

  • Planetary Atmosphere Studies: Understanding how atmospheres change over time, which is critical for studying climate evolution, weather patterns, and potential habitability of planets like Mars, Venus, and exoplanets.

  • Astrobiology: Investigating the role of volatiles in creating and sustaining habitable environments, including the potential for subsurface oceans on icy moons and the implications for extraterrestrial life.

  • In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU): Leveraging local volatiles as resources to support human missions, such as extracting water from lunar regolith or Martian ice to support life support systems and create propellant.

  • Climate Modelling and Comparative Planetology: Studying how volatiles evolve on other planets helps improve our understanding of Earth’s climate and atmospheric processes, contributing to comparative planetology.

  • Mission Planning and Design: Missions are designed to study or utilise volatiles, such as landers and rovers equipped with instruments to detect water ice, or orbiters measuring atmospheric composition and escape rates.

Well-Known Examples

Several missions and projects highlight the importance of volatile evolution in the space industry:

  • Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN): A NASA mission dedicated to studying the upper atmosphere of Mars, investigating how solar wind and radiation have stripped away volatiles, providing insights into the planet's climate history.

  • Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): LRO has mapped the distribution of hydrogen, a proxy for water ice, at the Moon’s poles, contributing to understanding how volatiles evolve in permanently shadowed regions.

  • Rosetta Mission: ESA’s Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko provided detailed observations of how the comet's volatiles sublimate as it approaches the Sun, revealing the dynamics of cometary atmospheres and their evolution.

  • Europa Clipper and JUICE Missions: Upcoming missions aimed at studying the ice-covered moon Europa and other icy moons of Jupiter, focusing on the interaction between the surface ice and subsurface oceans, and how volatiles escape into space.

  • Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover: Equipped with the MOXIE instrument, Perseverance is exploring the feasibility of extracting oxygen from Martian carbon dioxide, directly linking volatile evolution to resource utilisation for human missions.

Treatment and Risks

Studying volatile evolution involves addressing various challenges and risks:

  • Data Acquisition and Interpretation: Understanding volatile processes requires complex data from multiple instruments, including spectrometers, radar, and mass spectrometers, often on missions that face harsh environments or limited communication with Earth.

  • Dynamic and Unpredictable Processes: Volatile evolution is influenced by many variables, including solar activity, impacts, and internal planetary processes, making predictions and modelling challenging.

  • Resource Utilisation Risks: Extracting volatiles for human use involves technological risks, such as the efficiency of ISRU technologies, potential contamination, and the variability of resource availability across different sites.

  • Long-Term Stability: Assessing the stability and sustainability of volatile resources for long-term missions requires careful consideration, as some resources might deplete or behave unpredictably under different environmental conditions.

Similar Terms

  • Atmospheric Escape: The loss of atmospheric particles to space, a critical aspect of volatile evolution, especially for planets with thin or no magnetic fields.

  • Sublimation: The process by which a solid (like ice) turns directly into a gas without becoming liquid first, significant in the context of volatiles on bodies with low atmospheric pressure.

  • Cryovolcanism: Volcanic activity involving the eruption of volatile substances like water, ammonia, or methane, common on icy moons and dwarf planets.


Volatile evolution in the space industry context is the study of how volatile substances behave and change on planets, moons, and other celestial bodies over time. Understanding these processes is essential for reconstructing the history of planetary climates, assessing habitability, and supporting future exploration missions through in-situ resource utilisation. From the loss of Mars’ ancient atmosphere to the dynamic outgassing of comets, volatile evolution provides critical insights that guide current and future exploration efforts in our solar system and beyond.


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