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Deutsch: Bahnkorrektur / Español: Corrección de Órbita / Português: Correção de Órbita / Français: Correction d'Orbite / Italiano: Correzione di Orbita

Orbit correction in the space industry refers to the adjustments made to a spacecraft’s trajectory to maintain or change its orbit around a celestial body, such as Earth. These adjustments are necessary to ensure the spacecraft remains on its intended path, achieves mission objectives, or avoids potential collisions with other objects in space.


In the context of the space industry, orbit correction is essential for the successful operation of satellites, space probes, and manned spacecraft. This process involves precise calculations and the use of propulsion systems to modify the velocity and position of a spacecraft. The main aspects of orbit correction include:

  • Maintaining Orbital Position: Regular adjustments are made to counteract gravitational perturbations, atmospheric drag, and other forces that can alter the spacecraft’s orbit over time.
  • Maneuvering: Orbit corrections are used to position the spacecraft for specific tasks, such as aligning instruments for observations, positioning for docking procedures, or preparing for re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.
  • Collision Avoidance: Ensuring the spacecraft avoids potential collisions with space debris or other satellites by altering its orbit.

Orbit correction is typically achieved through the use of thrusters, which can be chemical or electric. These thrusters provide the necessary force to change the spacecraft’s speed and direction, thereby adjusting its orbit.

Special Considerations

Orbit correction requires careful planning and precise execution. Any miscalculation can result in the spacecraft veering off course, potentially leading to mission failure or collisions. Additionally, the fuel required for orbit correction is a finite resource, necessitating efficient and strategic use.

Application Areas

  • Satellite Operations: Maintaining geostationary positions for communication satellites or adjusting orbits for Earth observation satellites to ensure optimal coverage and data collection.
  • Space Probes: Adjusting the trajectories of interplanetary probes to ensure they reach their target destinations or perform flybys of specific celestial bodies.
  • Manned Space Missions: Ensuring safe docking procedures with the International Space Station (ISS) or other spacecraft, as well as positioning for re-entry.
  • Space Debris Management: Using orbit correction to avoid collisions with space debris and mitigate the risks posed by the increasing amount of debris in Earth’s orbit.

Well-Known Examples

  • Hubble Space Telescope: Periodic orbit corrections are performed to counteract the effects of atmospheric drag and ensure it remains in a stable orbit for continued observations.
  • International Space Station (ISS): Regular orbit corrections are made to maintain its altitude and avoid collisions with space debris.
  • Mars Missions: Probes like Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter perform orbit corrections to achieve the desired orbits for optimal data collection and communication relay.

Treatment and Risks

Risks associated with orbit correction include fuel limitations, which can restrict the number of corrections that can be performed, and the potential for miscalculations leading to incorrect trajectories. Additionally, reliance on thrusters means that mechanical failures can jeopardize the ability to perform necessary adjustments. To mitigate these risks, extensive pre-mission planning, real-time monitoring, and redundant systems are employed.

Similar Terms

  • Orbital Maneuvering: The broader process of changing a spacecraft’s orbit, which includes orbit correction as well as other types of maneuvers.
  • Trajectory Adjustment: Modifying the path of a spacecraft to achieve specific mission goals.
  • Station-Keeping: The practice of maintaining a spacecraft’s position within a specific orbital slot, particularly relevant for geostationary satellites.


Orbit correction in the space industry is a critical process for maintaining and adjusting the trajectories of spacecraft. It ensures that satellites, space probes, and manned missions can achieve their objectives by maintaining stable orbits, avoiding collisions, and performing necessary maneuvers. Through careful planning, precise execution, and efficient use of propulsion systems, orbit correction enables the continued success and safety of space missions.


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