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SSA stands for Space Situational Awareness. It refers to the ability to accurately and reliably track, identify, and characterize objects in space, including satellites, debris, and other objects.

SSA involves monitoring and predicting the positions and movements of these objects in order to avoid potential collisions and other threats to the safety and operation of spacecraft. This is important for ensuring the safety of spacecraft and their crew, as well as for maintaining the integrity of space-based assets such as communication and navigation systems. SSA is achieved through the use of a variety of techniques and technologies, including satellite tracking, radar, and optical observation.

Space Situational Awareness is critical for ensuring the safety and sustainability of space operations. By tracking the location, trajectory, and other characteristics of objects in space, space agencies and organizations can avoid collisions and plan more effective missions.

Examples of SSA activities include tracking satellites and debris, predicting their orbits, and conducting collision avoidance maneuvers when necessary. SSA data is also used to support space traffic management and to ensure compliance with international guidelines and regulations for space operations.

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