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Vega is the name of a European Space Agency (ESA) launch vehicle. Vega is a small to medium-sized, four-stage rocket designed to carry payloads of up to 1.5 metric tons into a variety of orbits, including low Earth orbit, medium Earth orbit, and geostationary transfer orbit.

It was developed as a cooperative effort between the ESA and a number of European countries, and it is operated by Arianespace, a European launch services company.

Vega has a height of 52 meters (170 feet) and a mass of 137 metric tons at liftoff. It is powered by solid and liquid rocket engines, and it has a high degree of flexibility and adaptability, with the ability to launch a variety of payloads, including Earth observation satellites, scientific missions, and interplanetary probes.

Vega has been in operation since 2012, and it has successfully launched a number of payloads into space, including the Sentinel-2A, Sentinel-2B, and Sentinel-5P Earth observation satellites, as well as the Mars Express and Venus Express probes.

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