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Aerocapture in the space industry context refers to a maneuver used to place a spacecraft into orbit around a planet or moon by using the body's atmosphere to slow down the spacecraft significantly. Unlike aerobraking, which involves multiple passes through the atmosphere to gradually reduce the spacecraft's orbit over time, aerocapture is completed in a single pass and is aimed at quickly transitioning a spacecraft from a hyperbolic trajectory to a stable orbit.


Aerocapture uses the atmospheric drag experienced during a single, carefully calculated pass through the upper layers of a planet's atmosphere to achieve a drastic reduction in velocity. This method allows a spacecraft to capture into orbit without the need for a significant propellant expenditure, which can substantially reduce the mission's overall mass and cost. Aerocapture is particularly valuable for missions to outer planets where carrying enough fuel for orbital insertion would be impractical due to the distances and velocities involved.

Application Areas

  1. Interplanetary Missions: Aerocapture is ideal for missions to planets like Mars, Venus, or the outer planets, where traditional propellant-based orbital insertion would require a prohibitive amount of fuel.
  2. Cost Reduction: By reducing the fuel needs, aerocapture can lower launch weight and cost, making missions more economically viable.
  3. Extended Missions: The saved propellant can be used to extend the mission duration or add more maneuvers, increasing the scientific return.

Well-Known Examples

While aerocapture has been studied extensively and proposed for various missions, as of my last update, it has not yet been executed in a real mission. It remains a topic of active research and development, with potential applications in future NASA or international space agency missions to Mars or other planets. Concepts and simulations have been developed for missions like the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and other exploratory missions, though these have ultimately relied on aerobraking or direct propellant use for orbital insertion.

Treatment and Risks

Implementing aerocapture involves several technical challenges and risks:

  • Thermal Protection: The spacecraft must withstand extreme heat generated by atmospheric friction during the aerocapture maneuver.
  • Precision Navigation: Precise control and navigation are critical, as even minor deviations in trajectory can lead to mission failure either by missing the target orbit or causing the spacecraft to burn up in the atmosphere.
  • Atmospheric Uncertainty: Variations in the atmospheric density can affect the aerocapture maneuver's success, requiring robust modeling and adaptability in mission planning.


Aerocapture represents a highly efficient but technically challenging method to achieve orbital insertion around another celestial body. It promises significant reductions in the amount of fuel that interplanetary missions need to carry, thereby decreasing costs and potentially increasing the payload capacity. As technologies and models improve, aerocapture remains a promising technique for future space exploration missions.

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