Glossary R +++ Popular Articles: 'Rocket engine', 'Remote Sensing', 'Redundancy'
Rad-hard is an ability after of radiation hardening which is the process of making electronic components and circuits resistant to damage or malfunction caused by high levels of ionizing radiation (particle radiation and high-energy electromagnetic radiation), especially for environments in outer space (especially beyond the low Earth orbit), around nuclear reactors and particle accelerators, or during nuclear accidents or nuclear warfare.
Radar is a type of technology that uses radio waves to detect the presence, location, and movement of objects. In the aerospace industry, radar is used for a variety of purposes, including air traffic control, weather forecasting, and military surveillance.
Deutsch: Strahlung / Español: Radiación / Português: Radiação / Français: Radiation / Italiano: Radiazione /
Radiation is the energy or particles released from sources like radioactive materials, explosions, and chemical reactions. This includes energy waves on the electromagnetic Spectrum.
Deutsch: Strahlenschutz / Español: Protección contra Radiación / Português: Proteção contra Radiação / Français: Protection contre les Radiations / Italiano: Protezione dalle Radiazioni
Radiation Protection in the Space industry context refers to the strategies, technologies, and measures implemented to shield astronauts, spacecraft, and sensitive electronic equipment from the harmful effects of space radiation. Space radiation, which primarily consists of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), solar particle events (SPEs), and trapped radiation belts, poses significant health risks to humans and can damage spacecraft systems. Effective radiation protection is crucial for ensuring the safety of crewed space missions, extending mission durations, and maintaining the functionality of space technology.
Deutsch: Strahlenresistenz / Español: Tolerancia a la radiación / Português: Tolerância à radiação / Français: Tolérance aux radiations / Italiano: Tolleranza alle radiazioni
Radiation tolerance in the space industry refers to the ability of spacecraft systems, electronic components, and materials to withstand or function reliably in the presence of space radiation. Space radiation includes high-energy particles from the sun (solar particle events), cosmic rays, and trapped particles in Earth’s radiation belts. Radiation tolerance is a critical consideration in the design and operation of spacecraft, satellites, and space habitats, as radiation can degrade materials, disrupt electronics, and pose health risks to astronauts.
The radio frequency (RF) is the typical frequency which is used for radio communication.
Radiometry is a set of techniques for measuring electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. Radiometric techniques in optics characterize the distribution of the radiation's power in space, as opposed to photometric techniques, which characterize the light's interaction with the human eye.
A radome (radar and dome) is a structural, weatherproof Enclosure that protects a radar antenna. The radome is constructed of material transparent to radio waves. Radomes protect the antenna from weather and conceal antenna electronic equipment from view. They also protect nearby personnel from being accidentally struck by quickly rotating antennas.
Deutsch: Staustrahltriebwerk / Español: Estatorreactor / Português: Estatoreator / Français: Statoreacteur / Italiano: Statoreattore
Ramjet in the Space industry context refers to a type of air-breathing jet engine that uses the aircraft's forward motion to compress incoming air without the need for rotating compressor blades. Ramjets are typically used in high-speed flight applications and are significant in the Development of advanced propulsion systems for atmospheric and near-space missions.
English: Re-entry / Deutsch: Wiedereintritt / Español: Reentrada / Português: Reentrada / Français: Réentrée / Italiano: Rientro
In the Space industry context, Re-entry refers to the process of a spacecraft returning to Earth's Atmosphere from space. This phase of a space mission is Critical and involves navigating the spacecraft through the Earth's atmosphere in such a way that it can withstand the intense Heat and Aerodynamic forces generated by the interaction with atmospheric gases. The challenge of re-entry lies in managing the thermal load to prevent the spacecraft from burning up and ensuring that the spacecraft decelerates sufficiently for a safe landing or splashdown.
Deutsch: Reaktivität / Español: Reactividad / Português: Reatividade / Français: Réactivité / Italiano: Reattività
Reactivity in the Space industry refers to the ability of systems, organisations, or missions to respond quickly and effectively to dynamic changes, unexpected events, or new requirements in space operations. This can apply to Mission Planning, Spacecraft manoeuvres, satellite adjustments, or the rapid deployment of new technologies or assets.
In the aerospace context, readiness refers to the ability of a aircraft, spacecraft, or other aerospace system to perform its intended mission when called upon to do so.
Deutsch: Echtzeit / Español: Tiempo real / Português: Tempo real / Français: Temps réel / Italiano: Tempo reale /
In the aerospace context, real-time refers to the ability to process and respond to information as it is received, without any significant delay. In other words, real-time systems are able to process and act on data as it is received, rather than waiting for the data to be collected and analyzed at a later time.
Deutsch: Echtzeitverarbeitung / Español: Procesamiento en Tiempo Real / Português: Processamento em Tempo Real / Français: Traitement en Temps Réel / Italiano: Elaborazione in Tempo Reale
Real-Time Processing refers to the immediate analysis and management of data as it is generated in the Space industry. This capability is crucial for monitoring and controlling spacecraft, satellites, and other space missions, enabling prompt decision-making and adjustments.
Reaper is a brand name for a type of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) developed by the American company General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI).
In the aerospace context, a receiver is a device that is used to receive signals from a transmitter. Receivers are used in a wide range of applications in the aerospace industry, including communication, navigation, and surveillance.
Reconnaissance is a mission to obtain information by visual observation or other detection methods, about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or about the meteorologic, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area.
Deutsch: Rekonnexion / Español: Reconexión / Português: Reconexão / Français: Réconnexion / Italiano: Riconnessione
Reconnection is a fundamental process in space plasma physics, where magnetic field lines from different magnetic domains are spliced together, releasing significant amounts of Energy. This term is essential for understanding various space weather phenomena, including solar flares and geomagnetic storms, which have direct implications for space missions and satellite operations.
Deutsch: Aufzeichnung / Español: Grabación / Português: Gravação / Français: Enregistrement / Italiano: Registrazione
Recording in the Space industry context refers to the systematic documentation, storage, and analysis of data generated by space missions, spacecraft, and ground operations. This data includes telemetry, video feeds, audio communication, scientific measurements, and system logs, which are recorded to ensure mission integrity, Support post-mission analysis, and contribute to ongoing scientific research. Recording in space missions is vital for monitoring the status of spacecraft, maintaining communication logs, tracking mission events, and preserving scientific data.
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