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Deutsch: Schallabsorption / Español: Absorción de sonido / Português: Absorção de som / Français: Absorption acoustique / Italiano: Assorbimento del suono
Sound absorption in the space industry context refers to the use of materials and technologies designed to reduce noise levels within spacecraft, satellites, and space stations. Given the confined environments in space missions, managing sound levels is crucial for protecting the hearing, health, and overall well-being of astronauts. Sound absorption techniques help mitigate the effects of equipment vibrations, operational noises, and other acoustic sources, creating a more comfortable and less stressful living and working environment in space.
Deutsch: Schalldämmung / Español: Aislamiento acústico / Português: Insonorização / Français: Insonorisation / Italiano: Isolamento acustico
Soundproofing in the space industry refers to techniques and materials used to reduce or mitigate the transmission of sound, particularly in spacecraft, space stations, or launch facilities. It is crucial for protecting astronauts, sensitive equipment, and payloads from the high levels of noise generated during rocket launches, in-space operations, and by onboard systems. Effective soundproofing enhances comfort, safety, and the functionality of equipment by minimizing harmful acoustic vibrations and noise.
Soyuz is a transliteration of the Cyrillic text Союз (Russian and Ukrainian, 'Union').
Deutsch: Weltraum / Español: Espacio / Português: Espaço / Français: Espace / Italiano: Spazio /
Everything beyond Earth's atmosphere is called space (outer space).
Deutsch: Weltraummüll / Español: basura espacial / Português: detritos espaciais / Français: débris spatiaux / Italiano: detriti spaziali
Space debris refers to non-functional, human-made objects in Earth's orbit, including defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments resulting from collisions or disintegrations.
Deutsch: Weltraumforschung / Español: Exploración espacial / Português: Exploração espacial / Français: Exploration spatiale / Italiano: Esplorazione spaziale
Space Exploration refers to the investigation and study of outer space through the use of astronomy, space technology, and space missions. This includes manned and unmanned missions to explore celestial bodies and gather data on the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere.
The industry encompassing rockets, satellites, and space exploration is commonly referred to as the "space industry" or the "space sector." This industry involves a wide range of activities related to the design, development, manufacturing, and operation of spacecraft, launch vehicles (rockets), satellites, and associated technologies. It also includes space exploration missions conducted by space agencies, private companies, and international collaborations.
Deutsch: Raumfahrtinfrastruktur / Español: Infraestructura Espacial / Português: Infraestrutura Espacial / Français: Infrastructure Spatiale / Italiano: Infrastruttura Spaziale
Space Infrastructure refers to the network of physical structures, systems, and facilities that support the operation, exploration, and utilization of space. This includes satellites, space stations, ground stations, launch vehicles, and other related assets that enable activities such as communication, navigation, Earth observation, and scientific research in space.
Deutsch: Weltraumstartoperationen / Español: Operaciones de lanzamiento espacial / Português: Operações de lançamento espacial / Français: Opérations de lancement spatial / Italiano: Operazioni di lancio spaziale
Space launch operations refer to the series of activities, procedures, and logistics involved in preparing and executing the launch of a spacecraft or satellite into space.
Deutsch: Space Shuttle Programm / Español: Programa del Transbordador Espacial / Português: Programa do Ônibus Espacial / Français: Programme de la Navette Spatiale / Italiano: Programma dello Space Shuttle
Space Shuttle Program refers to the United States' human spaceflight program operated by NASA from 1981 to 2011. It involved the development and operation of reusable spacecraft known as Space Shuttles.
Deutsch: Weltraumteleskop / Español: Telescopio espacial / Português: Telescópio espacial / Français: Télescope spatial / Italiano: Telescopio spaziale
Space Telescope in the space industry context refers to a type of telescope that is launched and operated in space, above Earth's atmosphere, to observe astronomical objects and phenomena without the interference caused by atmospheric distortion. Space telescopes can capture clear, high-resolution images and data from celestial bodies across various wavelengths of light.
Deutsch: Weltraumtourismus / Español: Turismo Espacial / Português: Turismo Espacial / Français: Tourisme Spatial / Italiano: Turismo Spaziale
Space Tourism refers to the commercial activity of sending private individuals, rather than professional astronauts, into space for recreational, leisure, or adventure purposes. This emerging sector within the space industry aims to provide non-professional space enthusiasts with the opportunity to experience space travel, including suborbital flights, orbital missions, and potentially longer journeys beyond Earth's orbit. Space tourism is transforming space from a domain exclusive to governments and research entities into a more accessible frontier for private individuals and commercial ventures.
Deutsch: Weltraumverkehrsmanagement / Español: Gestión del Tráfico Espacial / Português: Gestão de Tráfego Espacial / Français: Gestion du Trafic Spatial / Italiano: Gestione del Traffico Spaziale
Space Traffic Management (STM) refers to the set of regulations, procedures, and technologies designed to ensure the safe and efficient operation of all space activities, including the prevention of collisions between space objects and the mitigation of space debris.
Deutsch: Raumfahrtqualität / Español: Calidad espacial / Português: Qualidade espacial / Français: Qualité spatiale / Italiano: Qualità spaziale
Space-grade refers to materials, components, and systems that meet the stringent requirements for use in the harsh environment of space. These standards ensure reliability, durability, and performance under extreme conditions, such as vacuum, radiation, temperature fluctuations, and mechanical stress.
Deutsch: Raumschiff / Español: Nave espacial / Português: Nave espacial / Français: Vaisseau spatial / Italiano: Astronave /
A spacecraft is a vehicle or machine that is designed and built to operate outside of the Earth's atmosphere, in space. Spacecraft can be classified into two main categories: artificial satellites and manned spacecraft.
Deutsch: Raumfahrzeugmontage / Español: Ensamblaje de Naves Espaciales / Português: Montagem de Espaçonaves / Français: Assemblage de Vaisseaux Spatiaux / Italiano: Assemblaggio di Veicoli Spaziali
Spacecraft Assembly in the space industry refers to the process of building and integrating various components and subsystems into a complete spacecraft, ready for testing and eventual launch. This process involves the precise assembly of structural elements, propulsion systems, power supplies, communication equipment, scientific instruments, and other critical subsystems, ensuring that they function together as a cohesive unit capable of operating in the harsh conditions of space.
Deutsch: Raumschiff-Innenraum / Español: Interior de la nave espacial / Português: Interior da nave espacial / Français: Intérieur du vaisseau spatial / Italiano: Interno della navicella spaziale
Spacecraft interior refers to the design, layout, and functionality of the inside space of a spacecraft where astronauts live and work during their missions.
Deutsch: Raumfahrtnavigation / Español: Navegación espacial / Português: Navegação espacial / Français: Navigation spatiale / Italiano: Navigazione spaziale
Spacecraft Navigation in the space industry context refers to the techniques and systems used to determine the position, velocity, and orientation of spacecraft relative to celestial bodies or other spacecraft, and to control their trajectory and attitude throughout their mission. This includes everything from launch, orbital insertion, station-keeping, maneuvering within a celestial body's orbit, to interplanetary travel, and re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. Effective navigation is crucial for mission success, ensuring that spacecraft reach their intended destinations, perform required maneuvers accurately, and return safely.
Deutsch: Wiedereintritt von Raumfahrzeugen / Español: Reentrada de naves espaciales / Português: Reentrada de espaçonaves / Français: Rentrée des engins spatiaux / Italiano: Rientro dei veicoli spaziali
Spacecraft re-entry refers to the phase in a space mission when a spacecraft returns from space and re-enters the Earth's atmosphere, involving a controlled descent that ensures the safety of both the spacecraft and its occupants or cargo.
Deutsch: Thermische Steuerung von Raumfahrzeugen / Español: Control térmico de naves espaciales / Português: Controle térmico de espaçonaves / Français: Contrôle thermique des engins spatiaux / Italiano: Controllo termico delle astronavi
Spacecraft thermal control refers to the systems and techniques used to manage the temperature of a spacecraft, ensuring that all components and instruments remain within operational limits despite the extreme temperature variations in space. This is essential for the proper functioning and longevity of both manned and unmanned missions.
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